what was the funniest thing you heard all weekend?

yardleybates said:
Hey Tammy, who took that pic of you and I at the pre-party? And the one with a bunch of us and Urban doing the can-can in the VIP bar?

I think it was Bryan316 who took the pic of us at the pre-party, but I wasn't in the can can line so I don't know about that one (wish I was though!!) :lol:

Shannon - send me a PM with your e-mail!
Yippee38 said:
I suck at remembering names. Yardley (Shannon) kept saying, "That's so-and-so, but their OL name is blah." I can't remember one name, let alone two.

I didn't introduce myself either.. I was too busy chattering like a chicken with Shannon to realize that Adam hadn't already introduced himself. I forget names horribly too! Well, nice to meet you again for the first time. My name is Tammy and your wife likes to grab my ass :loco:
Saturday, probably around 4pm.

I walk into the men's restroom and a cell phone goes off in one of the stalls:

"Hello? Dude-- do you know where I am? I'm taking a shit"

Stall door opens and out walks Mr. H.

Thanks for stinking up the can!
i just laughed outloud at work.... LOL
club sandwich.....

how about:

"Hey, you have a string of gum coming from your ass"

Kim K said:
Some of you will get these:

"club sandwich"
"wait I need to plug in my purse"
"are you hitting on my friend"

At City Cafe:
playing guess the gender
Metal Rose with the toliet paper ( I think I'll laugh for months about that)

That's all I can think of now I'm sure there are much more.

Had a great time and it was good seeing everyone. :rock: :rock:
JonnyD said:
ok I dont think Brent posted this yet ...

So Wheezer and I were Walking to Kittybeasts hotel which was aroundabout 15 blocks away and we were walking along just minding our own buisness walking along and we see this Black girl up the road about a block and she is wearing this Hot pink tube top, tight lil black shorts, and feathery boots and she is blowing on a wistle and twirling a baton doing somekind of cheerleader routine well she gets alot closer and we realise that she is a Man! Just prancing along thinking he/she was hot shit ... :lol: he/she provided us with a weekend of laughs! :)

That is Baton Bob. He marches up and down peachtree street ( here I work) like that all the time. A lot of the locals wave at him...

Welcome to midtown Atlanta :)

paraphrase of a converstation I had about a few months ago with a friend:

me: "I love that people are not judgemental in midtown. For example, you could walk down the street wearing a pink tutu ..."

friend: "remember, that 200lb+ black guy in a pink tutu we saw a few years ago?"

me: "oh yeah, good example then"

This place is crazy :) I mean 3 gay guys and a pig kind of crazy....
