What would be your dream festival ??


Feb 19, 2003
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Just imagine you have enough money and contacts all around the world to invite bands to play to YOUR festival...which bands would you choose? No matter what they sound like, what kind of music they play, if they have good/bad relationships between us, if the music they play can be played live etc etc..
Let's say it's a 2 days long festival so..about 20 bands...not your 20 favorite bands, just the 20 bands you wish you could see live together during one week end..
Mine would be :
1st day : Opeth, Katatonia, Porcupine Tree, Anathema, My Dying Bride, Arcturus, Mayhem, Bloodbath, Shape Of Despair and In The Woods
2nd day : Iron Maiden, Gojira, Korn, Echobrain, Ulver, Megadeth, Mastodon, Pain Of Salvation, Black Sabbath and Winds

yeah, sweet dream..:grin:
LOL. I don't think I'm going to cream my pants over thinking about it in my sleep as you are, but I'd like to see the following:

1. Danzig (w/John Christ)
2. Megadeth (RIP line up ... ohh derrr)
3. At the Gates
4. Slayer
5. Death (any line up)
6. Black Sabbath (w/Ozzy)

But if I could go over the top, I'd probably include a million bands. One of the best shows I have seen has been AFI, so they'd probably hit the list etc ..
1st day: Slayer (headliner), Nevermore, Hypocrisy, Anathema, Carnal Forge, Bloodbath, Insision, Dismember, Merciless

2nd day: Judas Priest (headliner), Symphony X, Opeth, Katatonia, The Crown, Dissection, Testament, Kreator, Vader
Okay, a two-day festival it is.

Day One:
30-minute sets: Sabbat, Manticora, Torture Squad, Fates Warning (first four albums only), Vader, Death Angel
50-minute sets: Blind Guardian, Exodus
75-minute set: Kreator
2-hour set: Motörhead

Day Two:
30-minute sets: Vio-Lence, Dismember, Heathen, Deströyer 666, Helstar
45-minute sets: Sodom, Virgin Steele, Gamma Ray
90-minute set: Overkill
Play till curfew: Judas Fucken Priest

That doesn't come close to covering all the bands I want (no Saxon, Metal Church, Destruction, Coroner, Whiplash, Exumer, Sadus, Iron Maiden, Big Four thrash bands), but it'll do.
Hey, I'm trying to subscribe to some version of reality here, and Ramma Gay is a much bigger band than any of those three. My only delusional booking involves Overkill, and that's because they're fucking Overkill and if anyone bitches they can start rattling off crappy albums that band made. And there will be no comeback, because Overkill has never made a crappy album.
Shuddit Jewboy I'm not part of your club.

Anyhoo I'd have Kreator and D666 on for an hour, Carcass on for 90 minutes and Isis on for two hours. With the positions alternating each night.
sodom, nevermore, my dying bride, nuclear assualt, saxon, therion, judas priest, type o negative, king diamond, savatage, rhapsody, kreator, destruction, dark tranquillity....just to name a few.
Henrik Main's extreme metal festival 2004 would be something like this:

Day 1 (in order of appearance)

Carpathian Forest - Decapitated - Borknagar - Deeds Of Flesh - Gorgoroth - Cannibal Corpse - Dimmu Borgir (yes, I think it would be interesting to see them live - Cryptopsy - Mayhem (featuring Atilla on vocals, and a setlist consisting of the entire "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" record, "Necrolust", "Carnage", "Deathcrush", "Pure Fucking Armageddon", "In The Lies Where Upon You Lay", "A View From Nihil Pt. 1", "Dark Night Of The Soul" and "Chimera".)

Day 2

Dødheimsgard - Gehenna - Immolation - Keep Of Kalessin - Morbid Angel - 1349 - Myrkskog - Satyricon w/Nocturno Culto - Suffocation - Enslaved
Pyrus said:
Hah, that's a random-ass show. THRASH! THRASH! DEATH! ...sludge.
Well sludge doesn't do them justice at all, but whatever. Tomorrow I'll wish I'd put down some Trouble, Bathory or Pig Destroyer, and damn would that be an odd collection of fans.
(In order of appearence)

Day 1 -
Amon Amarth, Cryptopsy, Exhumed, Mithras, Nocturnus, Decapitated, and Carcass

Day 2 -
Vital Remains, Mastodon, Arsis, Dimension Zero, Vehemence, Enslaved and Obituary