What would you do if you'd hit the lotto's jackpot?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
I'm getting into buying tickets for the local lotto this week (one per game) as the jackpot has got past $25milion (before taxes) and the ticket is only about $2.50, so, what the heck I figure

Just for kicks, how would you guys go about things if you would hit a big jackpot?
I mean would you tell everyone, no one, would you share it, take care of someone(s), invest it, waste it, buy lotsa gear, build/upgrade your studio, start a different bussiness (a profitable one :lol:), travel, change occupation altogether, etc?


(disclaimer: no, I haven't won peanuts, in case anyone's wondering haha)
Hey Peter there's tits on channel 9!!!

I'd buy a house in the hills and pay the property taxes off for a few years, build a studio right next to it and hire a couple of you guys to help out. New wardrobe, car, etc. then probably do some investing with pro advice of course. Pretty run of the mill answer considering what forum this is.
I'd get a house (nothing extravagant), build small studio and just record bands all the time.

Invest most of it probably. Even putting 1 million into a high interest savings (1.5% to 3.5% depending on amount and how long you have to keep it there), can gross alot of money.

So boring, but it's probably the truth. I'd randomly take friends on trips and shit, but I'd rather not work ever again if I did win.
Hire a top lawyer First!!!
Get my money discreetly!!
Not get hooked on excess!
Help people/causes anonymously.

Build a secret studio and do nothing but electronic music all day/night and give it away.
Hire a top lawyer First!!!
Get my money discreetly!!
Not get hooked on excess!
Help people/causes anonymously.

Build a secret studio and do nothing but electronic music all day/night and give it away.

Never work again is the important thing, I could care less what I do otherwise :lol:

Probably buy a bigger house just outside of a decent sized city, put together a nice little project studio, build a badass gym and go to school for software engineering just to have a structured hobby to keep me busy and give me something to do with my time after I'm done school.

Would do a helluva lot of nothing too though, I had a year off last year and basically did fuck all and had the best year of my life. Can't remember being bored once.
1. Float John_C about threefiddy :lol:

2. Bale out orchestras in need (firstly the one in my city)

3. Buy a house

4. Shit ton of bookshelves

5. Write/play music as often as I wish
I would buy a house, have the most epic party ever, and end it all with burning it down.. the rest of the money?