What would you "repeat" forever?

I have to go with classic epics that raise the hair on the back of my neck.

Rainbow's Stargazer
BOC's The Seige And Investiture Of Baron Von Frankenstein's Castle At Weisseria (from their best but obscure Imaginos album)
Queen's The Prophet's Song

Beyond this, there are numerous Savatage, Triumph and Dream Theater songs that I never grow tired of.
Have you head the Vanden Plas cover of Kiss of Death? Because that's pretty awesome.

Ha ha ha...... I have everything Vanden Plas even dreamed of releasing and some songs they probably have not. They are my fave band in the world and there really is no close second. As far as the "Kiss of Death" cover...... I love all of their covers. "Point of Know Return" is great, as well.

Just 3!?!?!? Just sitting here trying to grasp the thought scares my little music luvin' brain...

Seventh Wonder - The Angelmaker
Circus Maxims - Wither
Kamelot - Coldest Winter Night

(One cannot live on 3 songs alone....) :p
Yeah, big Dokken fan, they did some great stuff!

HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Dokken fan here!!:hotjump:

You know Pilson never gets much credit for his role in Dokken, but I saw therm open for Dio on the "Tooth and Nail" tour and Pilson played bass AND keyboards at the same time. He was not only ponding on just "E" or "A" etc. but would hammer-on a note with his right hand, while playing keys with his left. They really were a talented band. Had they had better chemistry, they could have really been more than what they were.

You know Pilson never gets much credit for his role in Dokken, but I saw therm open for Dio on the "Tooth and Nail" tour and Pilson played bass AND keyboards at the same time. He was not only ponding on just "E" or "A" etc. but would hammer-on a note with his right hand, while playing keys with his left. They really were a talented band. Had they had better chemistry, they could have really been more than what they were.

Not to mention harmonizing with Don Dokken with background vocals so people wouldn't realize how bad Don's vocals are live....oh but they will once Pilson left...After George Lynch, Jeff Pilson was the most essential member of Dokken and yes that is OVER Don Dokken. If you will listen to some albums that Jeff has song lead vocals on since he left the band, he sound almost exactly like Don....hmmmmmmm :saint:
You know Pilson never gets much credit for his role in Dokken, but I saw therm open for Dio on the "Tooth and Nail" tour and Pilson played bass AND keyboards at the same time. He was not only ponding on just "E" or "A" etc. but would hammer-on a note with his right hand, while playing keys with his left. They really were a talented band. Had they had better chemistry, they could have really been more than what they were.


Yeah Jeff is really talented, I understand he used to write classical music in his spare time!
I have to go with classic epics that raise the hair on the back of my neck.BOC's The Seige And Investiture Of Baron Von Frankenstein's Castle At Weisseria (from their best but obscure Imaginos album)

Amazing album. In reality it isn't really a BOC album, more of a Sandy Pearlman vehicle with a lot of guest performers and "the Guitar Court of the State of Imaginos" (Satriani, Aldo Nova et al.), but.....hot damn. If it had been somehow rebranded as a metal album it would have done a lot better.
Wow !! Cool choice !! It has been ages since I played "Too fast For Love." I will have to throw that on, and even pick my own "repeat" song from that one..... and an all "oldschool" list.

Motley Crue - "Danger"
Tesla - "Changes"
Armored Saint - "Reign of Fire"


Dude, its easily my favorite Crue album. Not saying its the best, but I just love it! And GREAT choice with Danger! I plan on soon adding that one to the setlist for my Crue/Poison tribute band I sing for, Poison'd Crue.
Borknagar - Universal
:tickled: Forgot about this one!! Good pick!!

While I did post my all-time fave songs for "repeat," I think I might be embarrasses to post my 3 non-metal picks...heehee...

Definitely don't be embarrassed! In fact, I'd love to see that list! I like to know what else my fellow metalheads enjoy.

Haha...not at all what you're probably thinking...and definitely not a slight at you...I kinda went through the same thing you did, but in the end went with my ultimate fave 3 songs, regardless of genre.

Judging from some of the posts however, it makes me wonder about some of the reponses, though. I'm trying to think of the right way to say this that doesn't sound obnoxious (oh...well...), but some of the song selections seem a bit...arbitrary...and I bet that's NOT what Swordlord was looking for. Cuz...let's face it...it's a bitch to rag on each other on the internet...but there are some real song choices that I would have a lot of fun actively questioning and debating if we were all in a circle in person.

Killer! I don't think anyone's are random, and I certainly know mine aren't (!) even if they seem to be "typical" answers. Maybe that's just cuz they really are good songs and most people around here think the same way. IDK. The only way that my list was .. a bit slap-dash.. is because I could honestly list a lot of songs I love quite profoundly but I can't, nor will I ever be able to, actually narrow it down to only 3 songs I would want to hear for all eternity. Many songs mean a lot to me, but I have to be in the right mood for them, and other days I want to hear something completely different like a techno song or whatever. It's like asking me who my favorite band of all time is (okay, so I actually know this one, but I didn't for years - it's too hard!) or my favorite movie or favorite snack. I like such a variety of things for so many reasons, it's hard to make a serious "top 3" list that is actually my top 3.

All in good fun, sh0kr0k...I've always thought that your taste was top-notch. My taste is questionable, however, because I frequently agree with Zod and Boob on this forum...so what the hell do I know?
Fixed. :D And adding to my sig ;-)

Bonus: X-Japan- Jade
Plus, the song from that album which could be played forever on a loop is In The Presence of Another World, more than Siege and Investiture

Definitely agree. Imaginos is an excellent disc and In The Presence is my favorite song from it. It was amazing to hear it live when they played it on that tour.