What would you use?

No More Beers

Nov 29, 2005
Hey guys, i am going to track some drums tomorrow. It´s a 6 piece kit, on kick, one snare and 4 toms. Besides hihat, ride and cymbals, of course.
These are the pres I can use
And these are the mics:
Of course there are some mics that we have more than 1.
From what i remember it is:
1 C12
2 C414
Many C680 (i guess 3 or 4)
2 D112
1 AE2500
2 AT3035
1 AT4033
1 AT825
Dont know how many AT854
3 ATM25
1 Opus65
1 Opus83
3 KM184
1 U87
3 421
2 M81
1 SM7
Many Sm57 (4 or 5)
1 Sm58

It´s the first time i´ll record drums in this studio, i´ve worked with engineers there and i know what they use. I just want to know what you guys would use with all this equipament.
Well it looks like you are all set for preamps! Just take your pick and run with it I say.

With that mic list I'd probably go for:
Overs - C414 (I like LD overheads and these have served me well before)
Snare - SM57's (Old faithful, though I prefer I5's)
Rack Toms - SM57's (Clear and articulate for the smaller toms)
Floor Toms - ATM25's (Scooped in a nice way that sounds geat on floor toms)
Kick - ATM25 (An awesome kick mic for any style with the right eq-ing imo)
Room - Really you can use anything here, but I tend to go for condensers, something not too bright.
Cymbals - KM184's (Pretty safe choice for close micing cymbals I reckon)

If you've got the time though do some experimenting, you never know what might sound amazing until you try it.
If you want to mic for the heck of it:

KICK: C680's inside the drum on a pillow (google just in case that they can handle atleast 120dB SPL force), D112's by the hole
SNARE: SM81 about 3 ft above the snare pointing straight down (the bonham mic), SM57 on the top, SM57/SM81/something on the bottom depending on what kind of sound you are after
TOMS: MD421 for sure, use them for the largest ones and try which one sounds the best for the smallest tom.
RIDE: SM81, aiming at the bell
CHINA: Opus83
ROOM: C414, AB micing
AMBIENCE: C680's near the drums on the floor on a carpet and an SM58 on the floor on a pillow/matress just somewhere near the walls pointing at a a window (if there is one) for a lofi-mono ambience

But I would most propably end using just:

SNARE: SM57 + SM81
TOMS: 1 SM57 + 3 MD421's
ROOM: C414

+ maybe the hihat/ride/china depending on drummer
Kick: ATM 25
Snare: 2x SM57
Ride: Also SM57 (Make sure to get a nice ringing bell sound)
Hi-Hat: 4th SM57
Toms: MD421 (depending on sound, you should try SM57 on smaller toms)
OH: Definitely KM184
Room: Any condenser would be ok for me. I keep them low in the mix.