what year did metal die in the ass?

I think it depends on what you label as "metal"... there's a lotta stuff I call metal which to someone else might not be metal... I'm gonna invite some attackers here but I always thought bands like Foo Fighters were metal. They definitely have some metal tunes... Dave Grohl is a big metal head himself... In my eyes, metal never died at all.. it just got mutated into something a little off the beaten track and let me be one of the many who say that track was beaten to death. I mean, every band with a can of hair spray was labeled metal. Stuff I didn't consider to be metal at all... Extreme, Britney Fox, all these fuckin gay ass bands that had 10 seconds of fame playing some sappy chick metal. They fuckin BLEW. That was NOT METAL to me. But it WAS metal to the common asshole on the street. THAT "metal" died the day Nirvana hit us with smelly teen spirit. Then we had bands like Soundgarden, Pantera, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson... all of which could be construed as metal or some shape of metal... THAT is the stuff that was the bridge between the old metal and the resurgence of that same old metal. I think it's on it's way back big time. Every day some kid wakes up and says "why the fuck am I listening to this SHIT they dish out at me on MTV or the radio?" and as soon as they ask themselves that question, in jumps the metal. My two 14 year old kids LOVE heavy music. Thanks to their dad. My son is right into SLAYER of all bands. I'm so proud! He wants to be the rock star that dad never was!!

I don't know about you guys, but in my house metal never died at all.
myk4bz said:
I think it depends on what you label as "metal"... there's a lotta stuff I call metal which to someone else might not be metal... I'm gonna invite some attackers here but I always thought bands like Foo Fighters were metal. They definitely have some metal tunes... Dave Grohl is a big metal head himself... In my eyes, metal never died at all.. it just got mutated into something a little off the beaten track and let me be one of the many who say that track was beaten to death. I mean, every band with a can of hair spray was labeled metal. Stuff I didn't consider to be metal at all... Extreme, Britney Fox, all these fuckin gay ass bands that had 10 seconds of fame playing some sappy chick metal. They fuckin BLEW. That was NOT METAL to me. But it WAS metal to the common asshole on the street. THAT "metal" died the day Nirvana hit us with smelly teen spirit. Then we had bands like Soundgarden, Pantera, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson... all of which could be construed as metal or some shape of metal... THAT is the stuff that was the bridge between the old metal and the resurgence of that same old metal. I think it's on it's way back big time. Every day some kid wakes up and says "why the fuck am I listening to this SHIT they dish out at me on MTV or the radio?" and as soon as they ask themselves that question, in jumps the metal. My two 14 year old kids LOVE heavy music. Thanks to their dad. My son is right into SLAYER of all bands. I'm so proud! He wants to be the rock star that dad never was!!

I don't know about you guys, but in my house metal never died at all.

Good Post:headbang: and it sounds like you have a pretty cool son
That cool about ur son getting into Slayer! disagree with the dave grohl point. I would never consider that metal. If he claims to be a metal head then why does he write lame ass pop music which is what it is and they admit that
You gotta admit Grohl's got some metal influence in there... have you ever heard his Probot project? It's all metal covers. That's it, that's all. On top of that he does every tune with a classic metal dude too. I totally admit the Foo Fighters are a very poppy band but ya gotta admit they've got some shit that makes ya wanna rock out. Not only that, if you have to hear "pop" on the radio, I'll take the Foo Fighters over 90% of the shit they throw at you on the radio. I knew SOMEONE would throw a shitball at me over the mere mention of the Foo Fighters!!

Rebel Reviewer Dot Com
spitzs lazy eye said:
my opinion 1995. thing just wernt the same anymore. wht do you say?

When Metallica released that Black Album !!!

I don't think metal has ever died, there just seemed to be a phase when other sounds (e.g grunge, 'alternative') evolved and offered something different to listen too.

Nowdays, It appears that defining exactly what is considered 'metal' is getting more difficult, almost a personal opinion now.

I think metal is starting make a comeback slowly, bands like Killswitch and Anthrax still belting out tunes helps as well.
I really don't think that metal ever really died, but it was certainly cleansed in the 90s.

Think back, if you will, to the early 90s, and the glut of metal & "poseur metal" bands. It watered down what metal really was. Along came Nirvana, (who, for a long time I hated like the antichrist, but have come to respect & even like) who came and did something different (grunge, alternative), and dragged off all the poseurs with them. This left the core of awesome awesomeness bands to keep it going. With the kick-ass Euro-metal scenes that have really grown since then (death, black, power, etc.), it's made the music stronger, even if the fanbase isn't where it was in 1991.

And think about it. What would you rather have, alot of average, blah bands? Or a tight group of fucking awesome ones?

So, in a sense, alternative & grunge SAVED the good metal by killing the bullshit metal. Purty kewl, huh? (or I need to stop typing wired...)