What's everyone do to stay in shape

I play Streethockey, do some skating and jogging, but not too much. I pay some attention to what I eat but again, not too much. Im not in best shape, but far from being fat. I played football for eight years, that's gotta do :p
I make lots of TEH SEX to stay in shape!!!
Seriously, at least 20 minutes of sex is equal to a full work out session.
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tara said:
I make lots of TEH SEX to stay in shape!!!
Seriously, at least 20 minutes of sex is equal to a full work out session.
says who? your doc? :p

i don't do anything special: going for walks with the dog, hiking sometimes, and i try to actually walk whenever possible (i tend to avoid escalators, walk short distances instead of taking the car, etc.)
i've been playing volleyball for ten years, but no more. anyway, i'm of the hyperactive kind, so i'm always going here and there, doing this and that...
but i must admit, amongst my friends i'm known as the one who uses the car also to do 300 metres :loco:

ante said:
hehe more like 2 hours would be equal to a full work out seission :lol: as sex is pretty low intence activity
especially if you ask your gf to go on top and you lay on your back thinking about how good life is :lol:
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