What's going on? to AMERICAN fans or ANYONE WHO KNOWS...

Nope, I don't know much more about it. Well, Ale didn't jump on him, he fell on him when they were dancing in a bar completely wasted and Allu had to get into the hospital after that because Ale broke him two ribs.
Well, some things can hurt over years. ^^; For example: My Mom had a car crash (she didn't do it, some old hag was it o_O) years ago and her back still aches a lot from it..
I'm not getting this flu thing. I don't have the flue and I live in Denver, flu central, I've been around shitloads of people with the flu, including family and I've stood out in the cold a lot lately, like after that CoB show. All these flu-catchers need to strengthen their immune systems.
Serge... said:
All these flu-catchers need to strengthen their immune systems.
For real, i havent gotten it either, but i did have a bout of candy poisoning after halloween, that sucked.

From one fellow GC listener to another:
"Where did this sudden fear of germs come from. You hear it on the news, the latest virus, or bacteria, and everyone goes fuckin nuts about it. So now everyone is crubbin gthis and sraying that, trying to erase all contact with germs. It redicules, and it goes to redicules lengths: in prisons, before they give you a lethal injection, they swab your amr with alcohol. well you can see their point, you wouldn't want some guy to go to hell, and be sick. It would ruin the whole point of the execution. And besides, what do you think you have an immue system for? Its for killing germs, but it need practice, it needs germs to practice on. When I was a kid, my friends and I swam in the Hudson River, and it was filled with raw sewage. Yeah, we swam in raw sewage; you know, to cool off. And the big thing going on back then was polio, thousands of kids died from polio every year. Not me, not my friends. WHY, because we swam in raw sewage. The polio never had a prayer, we were tempered in raw shit." - George Carlin
stefan86 said:
Kill that ass who made the review for saying Hypocrisy are boring :p
they bored me to death. i was expecting so much more. but at least we got to hear a new song thats gonna be on the next album :D
they were at the 12/7 show in minneapolis but didnt play. we were told that they did their sound check but alexi had a muscle tear in his chest and wasnt able to perform. i was pissed for a while, i wanted to see my favorite band really bad, but nevermore (and dimmu too) put on a great show, i still enjoyed myself. supposedly they're heading back to minneapolis sometime in april since they missed this date.
Smallz said:
they were at the 12/7 show in minneapolis but didnt play. we were told that they did their sound check but alexi had a muscle tear in his chest and wasnt able to perform. i was pissed for a while, i wanted to see my favorite band really bad, but nevermore (and dimmu too) put on a great show, i still enjoyed myself. supposedly they're heading back to minneapolis sometime in april since they missed this date.

Yeah man don't worry, COB loves their fans, I mean it takes something like that for them not to play. They will be back to kick your ass.
God damnit.. I hope he gets better soon.

And don't say they cancel their shows easy.. Alexi is one gutsy motherfucker who has played gigs in high fever and with a broken leg.
oh yeah guys, i totally understand. i didnt walk away pissed at the band or anything, just a little upset i didnt get to see them for the first time. i love how gracious they are to their fans. every story ive ever heard about fan interaction makes me feel that these guys are in touch w/ their fan base more than any other band ive seen. and how cool is it that janne actually posts here.

get better soon alexi, and the next time you guys come anywhere close i'll be there on the rail, without a doubt.
asphyXy said:
If they cancel the 12/12 date someone is gonna DIE.

Err, I hope it won't be me! Heck, I know my Dad will pitch a hissy fit and might even bar my way from the house This Friday. Cuz, 1) I don't even know for sure that I have a ticket 2) My dad is overprotective and strict and being a hispanic conservative father acts like a mini Dictator 3) I'll be going alone 4) The person offering me a ride to LAMOURS is someone I have only IM'd with ( oh btw THANKS JADED!!!!!! ). :eek: My Mom always does say that I like to fly by the seat of my pants!

and now 5) Alexi is sick which actually sucks more for Alexi than the fans
I think too that it must be some really bad flu, aleksi wouldn't actually cancel some gigs just he didn't feel "that good". I remember that he was so pissed off when they didn't arrive early enough at summerbreeze because they missed their plane... he was REALLY REALLY angry...
and that thing with the ribs is even worse than a flu, cause as it seems it will never go away 100%... so that sucks!
i hope he'll get better within the next days... should take some time off and just enjoy himself at home....
It is a bad flu, missery. Probably the worst in the last decade. 8 kids have dies in Colorado alone. and its still not the height of flu season yet. FUCK. schools got closed because so many kids were out with the flu. Alexi had a normal flu before Colorado, but then colorado just kcked him in the nuts with this flu. it sux and i hope they get better. I also hope they dont catch a flu or other sickness everytime they come to the states.
uhoh... this isn't good.... who else is going to the 12th show? ive had my tix since aug :( granted i should be more like, that sucks for the band but let me be selfish for a sec FUCK this is going to suck. . . .
Shadeg said:
God damnit.. I hope he gets better soon.

And don't say they cancel their shows easy.. Alexi is one gutsy motherfucker who has played gigs in high fever and with a broken leg.
Wow, I didn't know that...I mean that he has played gigs with a broken fucking leg!
Tho I know that he has played a gig in fever and throwing up all the time, back then with COB and ImpNaz in Mexico...

And yes it's true, COB are NOT some of those dumb wussy rockstars who cancel gigs because of every damn little thing...