What's going on? to AMERICAN fans or ANYONE WHO KNOWS...

I'm wondering if they are playing in Cleveland today?
Even tho I wont be there I hope they will and those who go to the gig will have a kickass time (and take some good photos and upload them!!!!).
The Lantern Nut said:
I'm wondering if they are playing in Cleveland today?
Even tho I wont be there I hope they will and those who go to the gig will have a kickass time (and take some good photos and upload them!!!!).
Yes, They played here in Cleveland..... They pretty much had the same set list as everyone in this forum had reported already. I just got back from the show... It was awesome!!! Nevermore and Hypocrisy were good as well!!! Dimmu wasn't there because they got stranded in Chicago.. It was just the 3 bands. It was a good show all together!
Alexi had a normal flu before Colorado, but then colorado just kcked him in the nuts with this flu.
Yeah ... Colorado is a pretty shitty place to get any sorta sickness. CoB did sound good at the show in Denver though, so now I sorta feel bad that my state (CO) made Alexi more sick... especialy after they played as good as they did...