What's the cleanest brickwall limiter?

What I would do to factor in the FG-X, is to leave it at default ceiling, and then bring the DAW fader down to match the others. To do what you desire with the drumbuss, it will excel in :)
Instantly liked the character of the T-racks clipper, though I suppose if you're looking for the cleanest then that's not really the point is it?
I really recommend everyone to check out Fabfilter Pro-L if they're looking for a reasonably priced brickwall limiter. It's been my go-to mastering limiter ever since I demoed it. Pair it with something like the T-Racks Brickwall to shave off a dB or two before the Pro-L and you're bound to get some nice, clean loudness unless the mix is utterly fucked up.
It's very unlikely that I'd be able to hear the difference so I won't even try. However, I'd be interested to see a summary of the findings, and would also be interested to see the Voxengo Elephant and the George Yohng W1. Also, if you're trying to show differences it might be worth throwing GClip in there just as a point of comparison.
If you ever need to see which one can get most RMS with less distortion, "TLs Maximizer" is the winner.
I've never used it to get added gain from, but the free W1 limiter is pretty good to my ears.