What's the craziest shit you've ever seen go down?

I completely forgot about the time a saw a woman about 40 years old crossing the road.
When she was in the middle of the road, she turned around, started to hiss at the cars, and then she started spinning in circles ranting something like "lampabolllampabolllampaboll"(English: Lampballlampballlampballlampballlampball).
Hahahaha vafan, vart hände det?

Not so much of a crazy story, but damn, talk about coincidence:

And one time me and my friends talked about our since of humor, and my friend said "I bet if you saw a child fall down and scrape his/her palms you would laugh!", 2 seconds later a little girl fell down in front of me scraping her palms open and landing with her face in her ice cream, and i just couldn't hold it in!
I laughed so hard it actually hurt.. i guess i am a little bastard after all. :(
Haha I laughed so hard at this!
I watched some guy i know getting hit by a train. we came back from a soccer game. when the train arrived in our town everyone left it except for my friend. when the train began to roll he thought it was a good idea to climb out of the window. he felt betwen the trails and the platform. 3 wagons rolled over his left leg and his right feet. somehow he survived. that was a mess. he started to drink... don't know what he's doing today.

two years later I was sitting in a train hitting a 15 years old boy who decided to die because two girls said they don't love him. that sounds cruel... but it was a funny situation anyway. me and my friend came from school. when the train stopped it was like 2 two minutes from there to my house. so we decided to leave the train and go home. we had to go over the bridge right next to the rails. when we've seen what happened my friend just said "that's not guts dude. that are stones painted with red color!".

small town... shit happens all the time so I try to take it easy :)
ah yeah, there was this woman in a shopping center. she was a little drunk I guess. she pulled down her panties and started to pull out her tampon. NO JOKE!
I saw a woman get her arm severed.

I was playing basketball in my friend's driveway which was about 2 houses down from an intersection. I saw this pickup truck drive by towards that intersection and immediately heard the brakes lock up and I looked over and saw the truck skidding sideways as this other car went past and just before it came to a stop it raised up on its driver's side wheels and fell over on its side. She stuck her hand out, instinctively I suppose, to catch herself. Squish. She was screaming...it was horrible. After a minute I could see the blood. People started running outside and within minutes cops and an ambulance showed up. They made us leave and I didn't get to actually see the gore (not that I wanted to). But hearing the woman scream so much sort of messed with me for a while. There was a big blood stain on the road for a good while after that.

Jesus dude, that must've been haunting - just to be clear, you're saying the woman was driving the pickup, it rolled on its driver's side, she stuck her arm out, etc., right? (wasn't entirely clear what "it" was referring to)
And as for me, 9/11/01 was like my third day of Freshman year of High School, and the place I went was here (scroll down just a bit on the map to see how close it was to ground zero). I heard the planes hit (thought the first was a dumpster being dropped off outside, anyone who has lived in NY knows that WHAMMO sound), and watched coverage on the TV's in the various rooms I was moved around to (it was a really well funded specialized public school that you had to test to get into, but once in it was free), and after the first tower fell, we were all evacuated walking north along the Hudson River. I had a straight view at one of the towers (the one that fell last) erupting in smoke cuz our homeroom was on the 10th floor (NYC schools build up, not out ;)), but didn't see anyone jumping out (those from my school who say they did I'm pretty sure are full of it). It honestly didn't really mess me up at all cuz it was so distant in terms of its relevance to me (I didn't know anybody involved), so really it just makes a good conversation topic!
I was stuck in a huge traffic jam a few weeks ago, massive smash with 3 or 4 cars and a lorry or two. The only thing I saw when I drove past was an empty childs seat covered in blood. Worst thing ever.
I was in the big earthquake that took place on the northwest coast of Turkey in 1999. It was the night we were supposed to go back to Sweden, and I was sleeping to get some energy for the trip. We were leaving 3:30 but at 3:02 or something I woke up and I was like "WTF is happening? Are they tearing down a building nearby?". I didn't really understand what was going on since I just woke up and I had never felt an earthquake before, but this one was quite massive. 7.4 in magnitude and it lasted for fucking 45 seconds. I was on the fifth floor of the building so I started running down the stairs with all other people who were rushing out, and it stopped by the time we got down. All the power was out and the stars were so clear due to the absence of light pollution... felt like I was out in space. We started driving towards Istanbul but the roads had huge freakin' cracks and gaps so we missed the flight and got stranded in Turkey for a day more. We drove through the center of the earthquake, which was a town where around 20000 people died. EVERYTHING I saw on our way to Istanbul through that town was obliterated. The buildings had crumbled and I saw people carrying out dead people.

When I got back to Sweden, and my teacher asked me if I hadn't gotten any psychological complications due to this, I remember my reply was "No, because I'm not a pussy", haha. Man, can't believe it's been 9,5 years already. I hate time, fuck time!
Yeah dude, I was living in the heart of L.A. during the Earthquake of '94. I want to say it was either 6.9 or 7.0 on the Richter scale, lasted for about 2 minutes. Knocked over highways, destroyed the majority of the plumbing in the city, etc.

But for me, during the last 10 seconds, as my family was freaking out and trying to stay standing, I played air guitar. Best freaking rock show EVAR.
Me and my bandmate picking up 2 icelandic chicks at a club in Kopenhagen while being on tour there.

First of all my mate must have allready gotten that poor girl of his 3 times in all kinds of public places before we reached their home (they were flatmates).
Anyhoo, seemed my mates girl had a boyfriend, and he had to answer/open the door.. they told us when were allready standing infront of the house..

Suprisingly the dude opened and went back watching tv (i was allready standing there waiting for some boyfriend to do what i would do if my gf took another dude home...),anyhoo, for some reason i got stuck on the toilet with my icelandic blonde, while i was passing out about 3/4 of the whole "action", when all of a sudden we smell burning and hear their dog going competely nuts and running through the house...

Seemed "the man of the house" got so frustrated by hearing his own girlfriend in the other room giving deepthroats to my mate, he decided to put her focus on something else and set his fucking bed on fire.

So there you are as drunk as can be, naked with an icelandic woman on a toilet in kopenhagen, while someone sets the house on fire because his gf is giving head to someone else in the room next to him..

And thats how i lost my virginity!! :)

Thats one of many story's me and my buddy went through.. but those are storys for another time..

There was some crazy ass redneck couple that showed up on Montel (or some other talk show?) after dude ran chick off the road, dragged her out of the car, and started cutting the shit out of her in front of my mom's old house in TN. My mom ran out screaming like a bat out of hell, but she couldn't get anything done like that. I think the cops eventually got the dude or something. It was a long time ago.

My brother was petting some dude's dog (we were like 9 and 10 years old) while we were waiting for our dad and stepmom to get in the car in Nashville, and the old fart got PISSED. he was yelling at my brother, so when my dad got out of stepmom's apartment he tried to talk to the dude. the guy ran in his apartment and grabbed a fucking ak-47 (a goddamn assault rifle? srsly dude?). That shit was pointed right at my dad's forehead, what the fuck? somehow, the crazyass guy's wife or girlfriend or whatever talked some sense into him and he left us alone. shit was crazy. i thought I was about to see my dad's head get blown off. that moment is frozen in my brain.

i was playing my favourite skanky ass bar (coverband bro!) one new years night and stopped this redneck motherfucker from beating a crackhead's face in. the crackhead was a regular and never bothered anyone besides whacked out crazy-talk. that dude had so much blood pouring out of his mouth when I dragged him out of the corner. i felt sorry for the guy.

there was a hit and run in panama city beach, florida one year. that was weird. i think the guy ended up ok. i just heard the hit, and there was like a built-in crowd that just formed around this dude laying in the ground. i didn't stick around.
Yeah dude, I was living in the heart of L.A. during the Earthquake of '94. I want to say it was either 6.9 or 7.0 on the Richter scale, lasted for about 2 minutes. Knocked over highways, destroyed the majority of the plumbing in the city, etc.

But for me, during the last 10 seconds, as my family was freaking out and trying to stay standing, I played air guitar. Best freaking rock show EVAR.

That last part made me seriously crack up. I live in LA but unfortunately did not play guitar at the time.... shame :Smug:
I work at a grocery store. About four years ago, my boss got shot in the face by a mentally unstable fat black woman. The bullet skimmed his cheek and went through his pinna (outer ear, for those of you audio engineers who didn't know), basically tearing it in half. Extremely fortunate guy...!

I was filling some crap on the baking aisle, and I hear yelling up front that piques my curiousity, and as I'm walking towards the front of the aisle I hear four gunshots, just out of my view. Of course everyone starts screaming, women start crying, and there's a really eerie feeling in the air. I walk around to the front of a display near the front door, and my boss is laying there with his eyes closed, with a very large puddle of blood next to his head. For all I knew, he was dead...

The lady was a douche and immediately went home to her apartment, which was basically right behind the store (idiot!). The swat team had her place surrounded within about 15 minutes.
I used to live in Raleigh, NC. I lived a half block away from the Halifax projects. I was on a school bus droping some other kids off at the projects when i heard gun shots, when i looked out the window i seen a guy get shot in the head through his car window, buy another man as the guy was trying to take off in his car. Needless to say i moved back home to good ol Indiana shortly after.