What's the craziest shit you've ever seen go down?

When I was like 7 years old, we visited Norway, drove through the mountains, nobody there.
Suddenly, after a long curve, there was that girl, she was lying on the street after she felt
from her motorcycle (she was already lying there, we weren't involved in the accident).
My father got out of the car to look after her and I didn't want to stay in the car with my mom
and my brother (hated them at that time) so I got out of the car and ran to my dad while
he just turned the girl around to check if she's still alive.
Her complete face got ripped off...my dad instantly vomited and I fainted, that's all I know from
that day.

Saw a guy on a local cityfest (with a flea market, little children everywhere and so on) beating
the living shit out of a guy because that dude asked the other ones girl where he could get bear.
He wasn't just beating him up, he kicked in his face when the dude was lying on the ground and
hit him in the face with a rock.
Now he's in jail and the beaten one is deaf and blind on one eye, not able to walk straight and so
on, we just the cops as soon as we saw it, but I was only 13 at that time.
And that all happened at 4 in the afternoon in my small hometown on a playground.

A friend of mine once was skating around my old school, there was that really long concrete stairway.
It wasn't straight on one side, so you had a part with 10 steps, one with 11, one with 12 and so on.
So he was able to jump down the part with the 10 steps, the 11, the 12, so he thought "just let's
switch to the part with the 14 steps".
But his board got stuck on the 13th step and he fell bad, he screamed fucking loud and all I saw was
how his kneecap was flying around. He was lying on the ground, his leg bleeding like hell and his kneecap
was lying 3 metres away from him, now he has a kneecap made out of titanimu or something like that.

Saw a guy once working on construction, using a chainsaw, cutting half of his finger off and just saying
"fuck it" and continued to work, the piece of his finger was like 4 cm long, not just a small cut.

Had a fight once with a neonazi in my hometown, we were both like 14-15, that was in a totally peaceful
area, on a playground, he was living besides it and out of suddenly, his dad came out of the house, came
up to me, hit me in the face and threatend me with a knife holding it up to my neck.
His son later completely changed, moved out, but the father is still a fucking sick dude but nobody says
anything and he's working as an engineer for Mercedes...
Thankfully I've never seen anything as bad as many on this thread. Probably the craziest thing I've seen was a massive brawl in school. A girl had discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her and she confronted him in the middle of the cafeteria. After some words were exchanged, she dumped milk on him. He immediately jumped up, grabbed his plastic lunch tray, and bashed her in the side of the head with it. The whole cafeteria had quieted down to hear what they were saying, so when it happened, all you could hear was this loud, sickening CRACK.

Within half a second, at least 10 guys jumped on the boyfriend and started pummeling him. A number of teachers ran to help the girl, while the other teachers had the attitude of "oh no. look. a fight. whatever shall we do. oh no. there's too many guys over there. that is dangerous. we should stand back and wait a minute or two." Everyone saw what the guy did, and watched him get his payback.

Once the kicking started, the teachers broke it up. Thankfully the girl was OK, the cracking sound of the tray made it seem like it was worse that it was. The guy got taken out of there in an ambulance and was transferred out of the school within days. Everyone claimed that in the confusion, no one could remember who laid the beatdown on the guy, so no one got in trouble (from what I remember).
Call me crazy but I have seen a car going over a cat at 50km/h (I guess) and the cat was fine.
I mean I was driving back home and I have seen this cat in the middle of the street I hit the brake hoping the cat was running away, another motherfucker passed me and went over the cat!
the problem with the cats is, they're very flexible and they're able to walk almost normal after a car crash
but their organs get fucked most of the time, so they die because of the internal bleeding.

I once saw how a big deer jumped out of the wood, directly in front of a small car (opel corsa) driving very
fast, the car was really fucked up, the driver was ok, but the deer...you couldn't really see that it was a
deer after the crash.
saw a dude get stabbed to death in broad daylight in the middle of the street. that was pretty neat.

Oh and one time me and a buddy of mine were driving down this woodsy road back to my house one night and we saw a car flipped of in a tree with the tires still spinning. Filled with excitement we turned around as fast as possible only to see my brother and his friends crawling out of the car and stumbling across the road. He told me and my friend to go home so we did. 20 minutes later his one friend (whos shoulder was dislocated and he had glass in his face) walked into my room without saying a word, picked up my acoustic and started playing freebird.

Alot of shit like that happens in my life. Pretty fun stuff
I remember a friend losing half of his finger, back when I was about 8 years old.

He had his finger between the door at the side where the door junctions with the wall. Somebody accidenlty slammed the door and voilà. Shit was pretty nasty. :eek:
First necro thread bump that's worth it! I haven't seen anything really traumatizing, but:

About 4 or 5 years ago, I was working in a grocery store. The place was basically a glorified 7-11, really small and only local old people went there. This senile lady came in once, and took a cart to do her groceries. She started to shit her pants, but didn't realize it. So the shit dribbled down her leg and left a fucking trail everywhere she walked. Other customers didn't notice either for a while, so they ran their carts over the puddle of shit, so you had fucking cart wheel trails of the stuff ALL OVER the store. I was lucky not to have to clean up that shit, but my friend working there too wasn't so fortunate.

The place was seriously a dump, and I'm really picky about grocery stores since I worked there. Every time I went in to work, I'd go punch in in the back store, and it would smell kinda weird. A faint smell, but still annoying. I had NO IDEA what it was. This went on for about a year. One day, I come in, open the back store door and I hit a WALL. Holy shit the smell was unbearable. The same thing I was enduring for the past year, but over 9000 times worse. I go ask a girl and she's like "Oh yeah, the chicken fat barrel cracked". They were fucking keeping all the chicken fat in a steel drum, and the fucking thing corroded and punctured, so a few gallons of the stuff flooded everything, the whole floor was covered, and even got behind the drywall. The amount of maggots in that shit was insane. They kept that shit for a year because some company would pay them when they picked it up or something, fucking vile.
Damn. Homicide seems popular in the US!

Here's my craziest I think:
A girl I knew gave me a spare ticket to go see Deathstars, so I was like "meh, free gig, why not". Turned up and it didn't take too long to ascertain that I was the only straight guy in the place. After enduring a massively homoerotic stage show, I left the venue and was hanging around outside with Whiplasher (the lead singer). Guys kept asking to give him blowjobs and to sign their cocks and I saw the guitarist down about half a bottle of Jack Daniels when he got on the tour bus. Anyway, we all hear screaming and shouting from around the corner, some girl is being surrounded by a big group of guys, they're all shouting loads of shit at her like "slut" and "my pals-fucker" etc. clearly she slept with a black guy and they hated that. They argue for a while in the middle of the street and the guys start trying to grab her, she tries to push them off but one of them grabs her hair and kicks her legs from under her. They start dragging her into an alley by her hair and we were just about to think about going over en masse and trying to stop it, when we hear a fucking crazy scream and the guys start backing off out of the alley, the girl comes out with her stiletto heel in hand and starts beating them with it, actually messing them up pretty badly, one guy got hit in the cheek, don't know whether it went through but he was bleeding a lot. They all leg it and she just runs over to a random industrial garage door and starts beating the shit out of it. She was still going at it when we left almost an hour later!
The funny thing is, with all this racially motivated violence happening, there are black guys dressed up in fancy suits with their hot wives and girlfriends just breezing past on their way into clubs, completely ignoring it all.
Not that crazy compared to some of you guys, but a story none the less.

As far as the most personally crazy thing that's happened to me is watching someone i really cared about going to get in a car completely fine, then suddenly breaking down in tears, eventually starting to say things like "maybe I should have kicked and screamed" That one stuck with me.
When I was at school (boarding) there were some kids in the year below me who started playing a game where you throw darts at each others feet, and try and dodge them.
Seeing a kid with a dart sticking out of his achilles, I hated him and he was a pussy about it... many lulz were had.
Not crazy, but very retarded.

Saw a lady today holding her unborn child with her left hand, cigarette in the right one. Fast-track to becoming a fucking loser, possibly deformed. Thanks mum.
Saw a really nasty shark attack when I was 7 or 8. Fucking HUGE shark, white pointer, on a semi-popular beach. Just pulled some guy on a board under the water in a split second, I was about 10 metres away from him. Blood everywhere, he was pulled out of the water with most of the flesh on one leg missing.

Not nearly as bad, I remember when I was 17 seeing some much younger kid in high school nearly cut his bloody forearm off with a drop-saw. Was wearing a rugby jumper without the sleeves rolled up, just pulled his arm in and tore it up. Biiiiiiig blood stain all over the wooden deck of the room, spooked the shit out of every student that went in there so bad they replaced the whole floor.
I witnessed dimebag darrell and 3 others murdered on stage, and watched the cop shoot the gunman in the face with a slug. Ever pop a balloon filled with water and the shit splatters everywhere? Imagine that, except with someone's head