What's the craziest shit you've ever seen go down?

When i was a kid my parents took me to a monster truck show and they final stunt that night was a guys who was going to ride a dirt bike up a ramp 50 or 60 ft up and jump off the bike and catch himself on a big vertical net like 30 ft away. So the guys takes off up the ramp but when he jumps off the bike the rear fender cracks him in the head and knocks him out, he and the bike hit the net...the bike stuck, he didnt. The big thing about this stunt was that there was no safety net so we watched this guy fall like a rag doll 50 feet and slam onto and then bounce off the floor of the orange bowl. The announcer told us he was fine and everyone left but we heard on the news later that he died of massive internal injuries.
this is a review of the watain show i went to here in salt lake.

Tue 14 Oct – Watain, Withered, Book of Black Earth

a white supremacist gave the "zieg heil" to watain, and they slapped his hand away in a "WTF" manner. this obviously infuriated him and he grabbed watain's singer by the hair and pulled him off stage. big ol fight broke out. watains singer (who is a little dude) successfully fended the guy off, and bloodied him up. it continued escalating from there because people started bad mouthing white supremacy and all the white supremacists were offended by it and fight after fight broke out. all of watain got off stage and was ready to fight. if you don't know, they all wear those arm spike things ala kerry king. all the while a drone feedback just lingering over all of the tense. the initial guy laid on the ground bloody for 5 mins or so after watain resumed playing. his friends pulled him out by his legs and stood him up (and that didn't look comfortable for him). watains singer saw him and asked in a black metal voice "HE'S STILL HERE?!" haha it was awesome. after about 3 more fights breaking out they got kicked out by the bouncers. the show was WAY more awesome after all of this because watain was ffffing pissed. and what goes best with black metal? pissed. hell yea it was bad.
Literally last night around 2100hrs I was leaving my bandmates house after a jam, just getting in my car when some dude walks past saying something to me. I ask what he said, and he gets all up in my face, quicker than I'd expected him to. I push him back and he pulls his arm back to swing at me, and I got there first and jabbed him in the side of his neck.

Guy went down like a sack of shit. I've never seen anything like it before in my life. One of those moments where you just stop and look at your fist and think WTF?! I've currently got whiplash too, cos of a car accident last Sunday. Maybe it made me into some kind of superhero?

I drove off and left him lying on the sidewalk after I heard him crying, which convinced me he wasn't dead or some fucked up shit. Probably a fucking meth-head. Good, innocent people don't fight back enough in this country, they just take abuse like bitches. I called my bandmate up and got him to look out his window and he saw the guy staggering off. Said the guy got in his face once in the past, when he had handfulls of shopping and his girl in tow.

I have genuinely had the worst month of my entire life, me smashing my car, my girl smashing her car (neither one of our faults), and all the shit that goes with that. This was just the cherry on top!
Wow dude, that's nuts (especially the crying part, what a bitch :lol: ) - I don't know if I would've been able to react so suddenly, usually in those circumstances (where it's so out of fucking nowhere) I just kinda freeze, but then again those have always been verbal exchanges, never physical...sucks about your car accidents dude! Maybe you'll have to sell some of those hideous Cadillacs to cover the expense :muahaha:
Ohhh I just remembered a fucking DOOZIE haha.

Ok lemme set the "scene" pun very much intended.

The first Sounds of the Underground festival they ever did, it was the Mass show at the Tsongas Arena. My budd, my little brother and I are there waiting for it to get poppin, cause it was fuckin boring and security made us all sit down on the fucking floor before the show started (to this day I have no fucking clue why). Anyway first band comes on, FULL BLOWN CHAOS, which although they are teh X CORE X, they got the blood pumping. So the fucking FIRST SONG IN , Ray, who is the singer decides to incite a WALL OF DEATH.

The wall of death in my mind is cool and all but kinda cliche metalcore at this point, but nontheless the small amount of people that were there (10:am) obeyed and we split ranks like a fucking amoeba. They start the song, and since we are in an arena the floor is fucking huge and you literally have to travle before you hit the other side,in addition, it's light inside the lights were still on. so Ray yells "go" or whatever they fuck they say and I see this hideously obese man feverishly start running and RIGHT before the two halves of this peanut butter and wall of deathwich are about to collide this motherfucker does a FRONT HANDSPRING driving both his HOT TOPIC boots into two people's faces.
SPLATT88 style bloody chunks worthy or a Cannibal Corpse album cover.

I lold.
Chryst Krispies said:
Ohhh I just remembered a fucking DOOZIE haha.

Haha, you had me hooked there. I saw a guy go through a wall from coming out of a mosh pit. Not the craziest thing I've ever seen but funny and related nevertheless.
I witnessed an abortion once.

Also saw a car accident where a poor girl had her head severed.

Last year a crack head shot in the direction of me and three other people in a chicago subway stop.

Saw a homeless person get run over. Saw my own finger get yanked off by my body weight. Saw my friend down 86 Perkasets I just sold him because he begged me too, he did claim he needed money. He lived. Saw a guy get stabbed in the back, literally. I'm sure there is more I can't think of right now.
And as for me, 9/11/01 was like my third day of Freshman year of High School, and the place I went was here (scroll down just a bit on the map to see how close it was to ground zero). I heard the planes hit (thought the first was a dumpster being dropped off outside, anyone who has lived in NY knows that WHAMMO sound), and watched coverage on the TV's in the various rooms I was moved around to (it was a really well funded specialized public school that you had to test to get into, but once in it was free), and after the first tower fell, we were all evacuated walking north along the Hudson River. I had a straight view at one of the towers (the one that fell last) erupting in smoke cuz our homeroom was on the 10th floor (NYC schools build up, not out ;)), but didn't see anyone jumping out (those from my school who say they did I'm pretty sure are full of it). It honestly didn't really mess me up at all cuz it was so distant in terms of its relevance to me (I didn't know anybody involved), so really it just makes a good conversation topic!

Damn, when I read your dramatic and really serious terrible experience, I nearly don´t want to tell about my craziest shit, I ever saw. First of all, Marcus..it´s good, you are alive!! We´d never got such great Dual Rectifire samples, if you´d be killed on 9/11 :kickass:

Okay..my crazy shit..I was directly involved. Some people maybe know it already: I WAS OBSERVED FROM PEOPLE IN A FLYIN BALLOON WHILE I WAS ON THE TOILET HAVING A SHIT!!!! okay, that was my craziest shit ever seen go down..and I don´t mean the thing in the toilet.
Wow dude, that's nuts (especially the crying part, what a bitch :lol: ) - I don't know if I would've been able to react so suddenly, usually in those circumstances (where it's so out of fucking nowhere) I just kinda freeze, but then again those have always been verbal exchanges, never physical...sucks about your car accidents dude! Maybe you'll have to sell some of those hideous Cadillacs to cover the expense :muahaha:

Haha, you nasty bitch :lol: I am actually trying to sell one of the caddies to cover my insurance excess, though! Let me know if you're interested!! :rock:

I guess the weird thing is I'm not used to conflict. Aside from the fact I'm a pretty big guy, most of my friends are too, so we don't get hassled. I'm definitely not a fighter. Recently, after my car got smashed, I've been driving a tiny rental (Ford KA, google it - lol), and the amount of people tailgating me, cutting me up, and generally shouting and hurling abuse at me is insane. The fact they actually do start behaving themselves when they catch a glimpse of the guy driving is also a sick testament to the amount of pussies in this country.

I honestly look like Donkey Kong in Mario Kart in this car :lol:


Felix, that story still cracks me up! Probably the way you say you were 'observed' taking a shit!
i'm one of the first few people to show up in a 2-story bar, the bar starts to fill up with people, and i see a guy come in the bar, he's already drunk, and he's got some weird-ass black gunk all over his left hand, he uses his right hand pull money out of his pocket and buy a few shots at the bar and then he goes out to the 1st floor balcony where people are getting whipped while leaning on the support collunm that's holding up the second-story balcony, this guy is really really drunk and he's outside cuz he wants to smoke a cigarrette, he doesn't talk to anybody so we never find out exactly what the black gunk on his left hand was, but we know it was flammable, this drunk guy caught his hand on fire trying to light his goddam ciggarrette, his whole left arm is on fire for a whole 10 or 12 seconds before somebody sprays him with a fire-extinguisher

same bar different night
a girl comes into the bar in a bikini top, her arms are bony, you can count her ribs/vertabrae from the back, her legs are inhumanly thin from the knees down, and she's got this comically huge pregnancy stomach, she tells eveyone who'll listen that her kid is due in a couple weeks and that she's at this club "one last time before" she gets "strapped down" and won't be able to "go clubbing" after the birth of her kid, she slams down several vodka shots, and the alchohol causes her to go into labor, she's already "crowning" before the ambulance gets there, it's seems to me that the ambulance took way too long to get there, which i bitch about, and the emt's who both looked like they were still in highschool, actually admitted to me that the took so long to get there because they got lost on the way there, we're at the club that's hard to get to because of all those one-way streets in downtown, so i understand a random person getting lost, but this was a fucking ambulance, for crying out loud, and since this this woman had already started crowning before the ambulance got there, the emt's ended up dilivering the baby in the back of the abulance in the parking lot before they drove to the hospital
In 1998, Québec, we witnessed an horrible thing called 'Ice Storm' from what I can see. (I don't know if this transcribe it well but anyway), I happened to be living in one of them most affected areas of this storm. Basically it was raining ice, and we had electricity cut up for a whole months and a half living off 'Thermos' and candlelight, 1850-style. We've reach temperature of -47 fuckin degrees, it was almost war time for us, fighting over everything in 'convenience store' car sliding down themselves because of all the ice that was invading us. That's pretty much the most fucked up thing, also the roof of the Olympic Stadium crashed during this.

(Most of the pic are from Montreal from what I can see, that was WAY worse)
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And as for me, 9/11/01 was like my third day of Freshman year of High School, and the place I went was here (scroll down just a bit on the map to see how close it was to ground zero). I heard the planes hit (thought the first was a dumpster being dropped off outside, anyone who has lived in NY knows that WHAMMO sound), and watched coverage on the TV's in the various rooms I was moved around to (it was a really well funded specialized public school that you had to test to get into, but once in it was free), and after the first tower fell, we were all evacuated walking north along the Hudson River. I had a straight view at one of the towers (the one that fell last) erupting in smoke cuz our homeroom was on the 10th floor (NYC schools build up, not out ;)), but didn't see anyone jumping out (those from my school who say they did I'm pretty sure are full of it). It honestly didn't really mess me up at all cuz it was so distant in terms of its relevance to me (I didn't know anybody involved), so really it just makes a good conversation topic!

Same for me except as it happened I was at Broadway and 43rd..... I was not nearly as close but the impact was just the same :(
Was chilling looking out my window. Sepulveda, California, after noon. About 13 years old. Gun shot goes off, this dude drops dead right in front of me. Another dude stops by said guy, turns around and shoots, another shot, he drops. This continued for a bit and when it was all said and done there was 6 dudes dead. Outside my window.

Shit like this happened all the time. Ah, memories . . .
In 1998, Québec, we witnessed an horrible thing called 'Ice Storm' from what I can see. (I don't know if this transcribe it well but anyway), I happened to be living in one of them most affected areas of this storm. Basically it was raining ice, and we had electricity cut up for a whole months and a half living off 'Thermos' and candlelight, 1850-style. We've reach temperature of -47 fuckin degrees, it was almost war time for us, fighting over everything in 'convenience store' car sliding down themselves because of all the ice that was invading us. That's pretty much the most fucked up thing, also the roof of the Olympic Stadium crashed during this.

(Most of the pic are from Montreal from what I can see, that was WAY worse)

That's insane dude, and I thought this past week of no power following Hurrican Irene was bad!