What's the easy way to rec. DI and Amp at once?


Feb 13, 2011
Geneva, Switzerland
As said in the title, how do you manage to record DIs and the guitar's amps at the same time?

I'm going to record my band soon and since I'm a "digital man", I want to also keep the DI if needed for some parts or for reamping.

do you use like a A/B/Y stomp box to drive 2 output? (amp and console)
I'm afraid to loose a lot of signal with that :confused:
Please, read the stickies and tutorials before posting. The reamping thread by Glenn has your first question and everything else you need, answered ages ago

I dont HAVE to read every sticky here (excepted rules) and by 'preparing tracks for reamp' i tough it was about setting up already recorded tracks before running into a real amp using a reamp box. Sorry but i tried the searh function but DI is too short to be considered in it so it was difficulte to find amswers. I wasn't here "ages ago", sorry...
Yeah man totally. No one is forcing anyone to open this thread to read what has already been anwered. But at the same time there is a search funtion. Its understandable.
it depends,you might need an active or a passive one.
all the radial models are amazing try J48 for example you might like it if you dont want to spend alot of money for a really really good one.
drope934 said:
I dont HAVE to read every sticky here (excepted rules) and by 'preparing tracks for reamp' i tough it was about setting up already recorded tracks before running into a real amp using a reamp box. Sorry but i tried the searh function but DI is too short to be considered in it so it was difficulte to find amswers. I wasn't here "ages ago", sorry...

I'm not trying to be a dick, but if it's a sticky related to reamping, it will obviously help, new people seem to think that they're the first one in the world with the obvious questions. It's perfectly normal to not know things like these, so it would be ridiculous to think you were the first one to think about it.

And, if you read the FAQ (and that one you MUST read, it even says "Please Read") you will find we have a custom search function which is better than the forum's one and allows you to search for short terms. And this has to be said to someone at least once a week, cause they always say "yeah I know I have to search but it's a short term, the search function here sucks" but they didn't really read the rules or FAQ to know how this place works. You understand we can get a bit tired of the same thing over and over. Yeah some people might go "it's the Internet, serious business, sand in vagina blablabla" but I'm not angry or lashing out at someone over this, just trying to help make this place a bit cleaner. And whoever really thinks the Internet is NOT serious business, is still living in 1998.

P.s. Preparing your tracks for reamping, is exactly that: Recording DIs, it wouldnt have killed to open and read the first two lines before posting a new thread.

Again, no big deal really, and obviously nothing personal, but it happens a lot and it only takes a little common sense to find those answers yourself with all the help and info you have here