What's the last CD you listened to?


And now, for the first time...

This is some good shit!

What is it about "Christian" bands that makes them want to play doom?

Black Sabbath (very vehement that they were anti-Satan)
Virgin Black
Pretty sure there are a lot more Christians out there in the early days of metal than most fans care to admit! There are a lot of ways metal likely wouldn't be the same today without them Jesus lovin' bastards!

Back on topic:


Potential album of the Decade? Made by Jesus lovers?

I really liked their last album, but apparently you're not the only one who wasn't that fond of it. I just ordered their entire back catalogue from Red Stream and got it today and I've been listening to this, their 2nd album, and I can tell you that it's excellent stuff. Much more straight-forward, interesting and black metal based than their last album. Not noticing any hokey keyboards right now, everything is integrated pretty well. More aggression and BM attitude, but still sticking with some absolutely BEAUTIFUL female vocals and folk elements. This is really blowing me away right now to be honest. I didn't actually expect anything near this level, but I'm listening to this second song again and it's owning my soul. The last album wasn't as coherent as it should have been and had some segments I could have done without and then some stuff that was just amazing. This earlier one seems more consistent and even better. I'd assume the debut is similar in vein to this and I'd probably take the chance to look into it. The album I'm listening to even came in a DVD case with some cool pictures and shit if that means anything to you.:p