What's the last CD you listened to?

Velvet Underground - White Light / White Heat

well actually, it's still playing. i'm doing bills which means i'm grumbling and tearing up lots of paper, and slightly rocking out.
cthulufhtagn said:
durrr, other countries have anthems?? [/american]

Australia's National Anthem is actually quite famous, simply because of the fact that 90% of the population don't know the second half, I know I don't.
Whenever it gets that far, the patriotic roar dulls down to an uncertain mumble, something like this:

"Advanceeeeee Austraaaliaaaa fairrrrr
with God... uh Christ our something... thingiestone
We [mumble] NATIONS MIGHT!
With...SOMEthing something, da da da...
.... [*shit*] ....

Seriously, that's what it generally sounds like, no-one knows why, I guess the second half of the song just sucks.... worse than the first half.
listened to a crapload of stuff tonight...

some highlights...

Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Amorphis - Black Winter Day
Amorphis - Tales from the thousand lakes
Behemoth - From the Pagan Vastlands
Behemoth - And the Forests Dream Eternally
Type O Negative - Life is Killing Me
Enslaved - Monumension (needs more time, but it's quite promising)
Unida - Coping with the Urban Coyote