What's the last CD you listened to?

MadeInNewJersey said:

Darkness Remains - To Touch the Depths of Sorrow

and again. this album is pretty fucking stellar
twilight of the gods
before that hammerheart
before that blood fire death
before that under the sign
before that the return...
before that bathory
now Octagon
I don't own requiem
fucking stoked
the mrs asked (told) me to clear out a couple of drawers today
about 150 tapes I'd stashed in them
and I found these 2 cassettes!
I'd bought a stack of stuff at a library sale a couple of years back and completely forgotten I had these



I thought I only had rubycon

the afternoon school run
Seriously, I mean what the fuck? It's like Audioslave all over again, take two bands I loved in the early 90's, throw them together, and they might as well be in the terlit because all I want to do is flush this shit down the drain.

D'oh well.