What's the last CD you listened to?

IOfTheStorm said:
I only have "El Cielo" and i love it. How are the others compared to it?
Leitmotif is excellent, but very different from El Cielo. More straightforward rockin' out and doesn't have those "use the same note at the end of every sentence" stuff from El Cielo. I'll have to upload some samples for you, it's my favorite album by them.



These dudes and chicks are so god damn amazing.

I'm nearly kicking myself for being so hesitant to dive into Silver Mt. Zion's vocal stuff. This shit is AMAZING. Unbelievably good. Did I spell that correctly? Who cares.


Such a "this makes me think everything is alright in the world" type of album.
unhinged said:
just looked those 2 up
and got a track from each, wow
this is pretty emotive stuff, like some sort of classical folk hybrid thing

Yeah, highly emotional stuff from those dudes and chicks. They were one of them groups that I thought I'd enjoy maybe one album to listen to once a year, but now I'm becoming a bit of a fanboy.
Edge of sanity - the spectral sorrows

Empyrium - where at night the wood grouse plays ../pinkage] had me teary :blush:

This empy flow - magenta skycode