What's the last CD you listened to?

what are you two talking about? Bloodbath made one amazing EP and then promptly never did anything again because they knew they'd never top it. :)
she's gone from suck to blow!


oh and listened to The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute earlier.

best album this year by a whole god damn lot.
Lur said:
she's gone from suck to blow!


oh and listened to The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute earlier.

best album this year by a whole god damn lot.

have you heard Scabdates yet? been wondering if it's worthwhile...
Chromatose said:
have you heard Scabdates yet? been wondering if it's worthwhile...
not yet, i figure it won't be long until i snag up all those EPs and singles they put out though. i have Frances the Mute (the single) on vinyl, but have no record player. i also have Tremulant, which is really cool except the vocals.

@Doomcifer, nah, not yet. that and Dead Soul Tribe are on my "listen NOW" mp3 list though. soon! and if not, later! :kickass: :loco:
Damn At Otter Creek and White, Discussion = reasons for me to live at 16 years old

i'm listening to some band called Dionysos that we're opening for next week. they sound sorta like Failure. sorta.

edit: and more than half the band has long hair. okay they're worthy to share a stage with. :loco:
Lateralus = best album this century (so far)

nothing, and i mean NOTHING comes close. gawd.