What's the last CD you listened to?

Vader - Impressions in Blood
Sacramentum - Far Away From the Sun
Fates Warning - Awaken the Guardian
Immolation - Dawn of Possession
spaffe said:
Hm, how's that one compared to the two latest? VS was pretty good, but I think FoN followed the road laid of by VS to songs with less energy and punch and more "tired" sound in general :|

It's a great album of course. They've never done an album that is less than 8.5/10. This one is still growing on me. I can't make any comparisons until i've familiarized myself more with it. The vocals are the best ever and it's probably the best production they've ever had.
Black Sabbath - "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath"
Darkthrone - "The Cult is Alive"
Darkthrone - "Sardonic Wrath"
Iron Maiden - "Edward the Great"
Bathory - "Blood Fire Death"
WTF I have been on a METAL RAMPAGE today

my listening has included whole albums or selections from

Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
Sigrblot - Blodsband: Blood Religion Manifest
Bergthron - Jagdheim
Bergthron - (some really long title)
Nargaroth - Geliebte Des Regens
Solstafir - I Blodi Og Anda
Finist - Crosses Shall Burn
Helheim - Ok my pals Go To Helvegr
oh and sorry for resurrecting this lame thread It was ALMOST FORGOTTEN but I thought I should have shared that news of metalness because you all probably think me to be a true homosexual by now which is a horrible horrible lie and probably originally propogated to your minds by Erik's mind control implants that he stuck into your dental fillings so dont trust that information ok cool lets have some bumsex now