What's the last CD you listened to?

I used to think that that main "riff" on Samael's "Baphomet's Throne" was the greatest fucking thing of all time...

...then, as I became more cultured, discovered it's lifted from Mussorgsky. :lol: Oh well.

I'm in a black metal mood, just having sat up in the cold dark woods for a few hours.

BERGTHRON - Jagdheim
XASTHUR - The Funeral of Being
it's too damn long and quite frankly, not that interesting.

let me re-phrase. it's not as good as a lot of people would have you believe. honestly, it seems most people are more impressed with the fact it came from California and members of The Fucking Champs than the actual material.

however, that's based on a lot of comments I've read from people.

another notch on the Pretty Good, but Hardly Classic category (along with Rust in Peace) :loco:
I love the album, but the songs are a bit overlong for BM. That said, I listen to all that progfag stuff, so long songs aren't a bother.

The first track stands heads-and-shoulders above the rest, though.
Melechesh - Djinn
melechesh - Sphynx
Arrogant Worms - C'est Cheese
Arrogant Worms - Russel's Shorts
Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Svartkraft - Den Onda Pesten
Deathspell Omega - kenose
been listening to 2005 material:

Clutch - Robot Hive/Exodus
Possibly my favorite from them since the self-titled.

Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
This is not as interesting as it was earlier this year.

Woodtemple - Hidden Eternal Shadow
His best material, hands down.

Wreck of the Hesperus - Eulogy for the Sewer Dwellers
Best demo this year? Most likely.