What's the last CD you listened to?


Francisco Guerrero - Sacrae Cantiones
spikes77 said:
Somnium Mortuum - Eternal sleep

This album "hit" me last night, i havent listened to it in awhile. So majestic and epic. Funeral doom in the shape of despair, panthiest style. Alot of soaring keyboards...I felt so moved by this song. I uploaded it for you fine people. If you like the style, give it a try!

Yeah I don't get why he bothers calling it "funeral doom" because it's really NOT. Good album though.
Katatonia - Tonight's Decision

and earlier today some stupid pussy crap went down and it made me all depressed hahahahaha WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
MAUDLIN OF THE WELL - My Fruit Pychobells... a Seed Combustible
KATATONIA - Dance of December Souls
"Pale Folklore" while I was driving around some back roads in the old parts of Moodus/East Haddam. Last song finished right as I was pulling into my driveway...
i have to go listen to Boris - Amplifier Worship because i just saw a picture of an Orange amp and then i remembered how much i want to have sexual relations with Wata.