What's the last CD you listened to?

Doomcifer said:
oh so there's a new one? is it better compared to the last?
Dismember - Like an Everflowing Stream
Dismember - The God that Never was
Aphotic - Failure
Aphotic - Stillness Grows

The music industry is officially gay, sexually frustrated and lieing for not hooking Aphotic up. While not the most original band (very katatonia like), they definetly do a very good job of what they do. Bull + Shite I tell you.
Erik said:
why is their logo almost identical to weakling's :mad:

ok maybe it isn't

It's pretty similar. The guy from Weakling (wotshisname from The Fucking Champs) produced this Wolves in the Throne Room demo. Maybe he did the logos for both. Or not. This could be a mystery post, I'm not sure.

Either way, this demo is damn near excellent.
I think the Vendlus guy sent me some WitTR tracks about a year ago... Let's lookasee if they're still on the computer...