whats the most influential type of metal

What about prog rock, I mean without junk like Pink Floyd and Rush, the genre wouldn't have involved to metal or anything like that. We'd still be stuck with three major chords and the E major scale!
Deathscythe1911 said:
What about prog rock, I mean without junk like Pink Floyd and Rush, the genre wouldn't have involved to metal or anything like that. We'd still be stuck with three major chords and the E major scale!

That is by far the stupidest comment ever. GOOD JOB!
MetalNoob said:
That is by far the stupidest comment ever. GOOD JOB!

Well I mean it is a little justified, without guys screwing around with sounds you wouldn't have metal. Its just my opinion. You can consider Black Metal and Death Metal progressive in the sense that they wanted to take the music in a new direction.
PanzerKunt said:
Yeah, thanks to Metallica we now have that thing called nu-metal. Good job!

I think it would be quite foolish to blame Nu Metal on Metallica. Korn released an album in 94, deftones in 95.

The last Metallica album published before this was Metallica in 91, which although simpler than their previous offerings, wasn't really in any way "Nu".
Guthrum said:
If I remember correctly, Thrash started from the mixture of hardcore punk and NWOBHM. From there Thrash spawned Black and Death. So, technically, NWOBHM is the most influential.

Yeah, but punk and trad HM spawned NWOBHM...

and the Beatles spawned punk and trad HM...

and African tribal chanting spawned... see what I'm getting at??
Neither Pantera nor Metallica started Nu Metal.
Thos cunt-crack-whores KoRn and slipknot did. And all the people thought they were cool cause of their basketball jerseys and masks and clean vocals and sexy NU sound. SUCK MY CLITORIS.

I fucking listened to my RTL and MOP and Black Album as well as ...AJFA and I realized that Metallica isn't THAT bad. In fact they fucking rocked until Load, at that point I ripped my cock out. Their solos are amazing, the songs are long, so you get what you paid for... And it's THRASH. Whiplash and Seek & Destroy can be compared to the likes of songs of Exodus and Kreator, cause it's all so goddamned fast. I think that the talent is there, on all parts and instruments, the clean vocals are nice (on recordings at least) and fuck... selling out killed them? And so the same future awaits all of the good bands out there.

And fuck off with the Pantera. At least Dime could play guitar. Sure sure, shit powere metal, but they revolutionized many parts of metal and I'm glad they did. They got me into metal, and FUCK I'm not getting out. I just happen to not like them much anymore.