What's up with ..... ProgPower ???


Apr 29, 2004
Normally a few weeks before PP the forum is flooded with ProgPower threads. So I thought to get it going as it's almost there... :p
Who's going to PP USA / Europe ???
I'm going to Europe, still haven't been able to attend USA, but it will happen, if it's not next year it'll be the year after that !!
Of course I'' be there because we are going together. :p Looking forweard to seeing you and Marlies and Theo!! YEA!!

I'll let you know ASAP when my taxi will drive by :p...I'm looking forward to PP, there's a ton of good bands coming, one of the best bills I ever saw. I'm curious if all bands will deliver the goods alive!!
Unfortunately. I am unable to attend PP USA this year and it hurts like a bitch. I've gotten to know so many great friends from my years of going to PP that I will miss them so much this year. The sadness grows a little more every day that passes and the dates get closer.

To all who are attending either PP, have a great time and be safe...:headbang:
I'm gearing up now and leaving Wed. am for Atlanta. I cannot wait for this show the anticipation has been maddening and yet it's almost finally here! Sadly there will be no Pabla, Gerry, Rolando, Gert or Henri but I'm sure the UMOS kids that are going will document the weekend well for you!! We will miss you all and raise the horns high and drink one in your honor!!:kickass:
As everybody knows this was a rough year of changes for me. I was unsure to ve able to attend and the roster wasn't of my liking anyway. I'm looking forward to attend PPIX, but also a couple of friends want to see if we can catch Maiden on HOA on 2008. Don't know if my budget and my vacation allowance for 2008 will let me attend both...

NP: Primal Fear - 'Everytime It Rains'
I'll be going to PP USA this year. It's a shame so many people here cannot make it but understandable in reguards to the financial department.
I really want to go to PP Europe sometime but just can't swing the cash at this time.
At one point I seriously was trying to make to PP UK(Vanden Plas and Circus Maximus!! WOO-HOO!!) but that is not going to happen either.
One of these days I'll make it across the pond for a PP show.
No, not attending any of the PP's but it's good to see there's a market for such festivals. Looks like kickass lineups in all four of them. Hopefully I'll be able to go to one of the European ones in the future, PPUSA is way out of reach sadly.
No, not attending any of the PP's but it's good to see there's a market for such festivals. Looks like kickass lineups in all four of them. Hopefully I'll be able to go to one of the European ones in the future, PPUSA is way out of reach sadly.

Just hide in the luggage of a Finnish metal band!:p
Godspeed and have a blast to all attendants on both parts of the Atlantic. See ya on PPUSA IX.

NP: Azrael - 'Sangre'
Won't be going this year due to the quality (or the lack therof) of the overall lineup. I really only wanted to see one band (Redemption) and they even toured locally as the opener for Dream Theater, so that pretty much sealed the deal on not going. I love the idea of the fest and the venue, but the travel and the $ are an extreme bitch (relatively speaking). Hopefully a better lineup IMO will be announced for the next one otherwise I might be throwing in the towel on it altogether.

To those going though, have a great time!
indeed, wish i could go...my first year last year was awesome. but, im really just interested to find out what the new bands are for next year! said theyd be announced there, (some of them). will it be posted online too? i would imagine everyone would be too busy there, but if anyone heres from someone attending lemme know!