What's up with ..... ProgPower ???

Hopefully a better lineup IMO will be announced for the next one otherwise I might be throwing in the towel on it altogether.

I'm also fear that. I want to go to WOA and I doubt my finances will allow me both festivals in one year. But it'll be a bitch being unable to share with the gang.

Oh well, will see in due time.

NP: Z-Lot-Z 'Eye Of The Beholder'
I'll be at PPUSA. This will be my sixth PPUSA event. I really dig three of the bands this year, namely vanden Plas, Redemption and Pagans Mind. Wish Chity was still with Firewind, but they should be good too.
I'll be driving up Wednesday and should be there about 4 PM or so.

all righty my metal brothers and sisters; I am off to LAX to go to Progpower. I'll be back in a week with a detailed and funfilled, thrilling review and lots and lots of pictures!

For those that are going I'll see you when you get in, I'm in about 8pm wed. To those who cannot make it this year, we will think about you while raging to our favorite bands and will raise a glass often in your honor :kickass: :rock: