whats ur love prism?

so whats it?

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snow2fall said:
Why the hell would there be a dead cow in front of your house?? Urgh...
Fortunately, we dissected "preserved" animals most of the time. So we had to put up with the smell of formaline - which is only slightly nicer than the smell of rotting flesh... Moreover, it's cancerogenic. :ill:

dunno. I thought it was fake at first as it was just an upside-down cow, dead stiff like with its legs straight in the air. Then I got a whiff of it :ill:
Anyway, this is a great conversation to be having on the 'love prism' thread :lol:
hehehe yeah
actually, where i grew up, there's still a lot of farmers, and agro casualties ;)
there's this governmental service picking up them dead animals, and christ when that truck runs by, the whole of the Hood is :Puke: and the smell sticks all day like :hypno:

pure carcass lyrics come to mind ofcourse
Strangelight said:
dunno. I thought it was fake at first as it was just an upside-down cow, dead stiff like with its legs straight in the air. Then I got a whiff of it :ill:
Anyway, this is a great conversation to be having on the 'love prism' thread :lol:


I found a dead crow last week when I was walking at the riverside, it was already rotting...


i drank about 8-9 jack daniels shots last night in less than an hour. i dont think i should do it again. does this fit the love prism or what? :ill:
bad for me you mean or in general? the thing is that i rarely touch whisky and thats why i was "dancing" yesterday night. if you can handle it, its never bad. the question is, can you do that...
DragonLady1 said:
I found a dead crow last week when I was walking at the riverside, it was already rotting...
Since we were dissecting animals at the university a friend of mine is collection skeletons.. He found a ded cat beside a street once.. It was allready rotting.. anyway, he took it home and "worked on it" :ill:
Eos said:
Since we were dissecting animals at the university a friend of mine is collection skeletons.. He found a ded cat beside a street once.. It was allready rotting.. anyway, he took it home and "worked on it" :ill:
We did this with a badger once. Puhhhh... I will never forget this disgusting smell... and the work of the maggots :) ...

Another disgusting thing happened when we were fishing with electricity at a near by river. We found a high amount of fishes. The organizer of the course put them all in a big tub. There were some eels which try to hide anywhere. One found the mouth of a carp and try to find an exit through the gills... :lol: Stupid eel...
back to the thread now, heh.
'cause my fave (vodka) is not listed above i've voted for tequilla.. have nice remembrance of some events happened after a tequilla-drink up-line, like the ceremony and the effect of this mexican thing as well :loco: .
Eos said:
Since we were dissecting animals at the university a friend of mine is collection skeletons.. He found a ded cat beside a street once.. It was allready rotting.. anyway, he took it home and "worked on it" :ill:
Oh my... Reminds me of a friend of mine. She's a goth, and her flat is full of skulls and bones (animal and human ones). Whenever she finds a dead animal in the forest, she takes it home and "prepares" it, so its "remnants" can decorate her shelves... :ill:
Ehm... back to the topic: beer... :grin:
yesterday at the cinema: cold mountain with a bottle of wine
perhaps thats why were the only ones laughing because of the dead cow they saw sew siw in pieces
a friend of mine becomes a doctor - i met her and she was smelling like dead - she had fun at the anatomy classes. weirdest thing another doctor friend experienced was that his fellas were dancing around him with a head - ...

tequila gives a weird state of mind, have only been once very... on it,...
whiskey - only tasted in irish coffee makes me going between extremes of feelings. dont give it to me.