Whats wrong with this take 2


The Influenced
Jan 10, 2007
Please refer to this thread first if you not sure what i am on about:


Just to refer here was a brief bit of my mix:


no eq bit of compression.

Ok I have a song and I wanted to see some cool use of eq and compression that works well, its only a snippet 40 seconds or something but ive got EQ issues, I want you to show me what EQ can do.

Imagine its for like an advert or something.

Its a quick download 100mb or so.

All tracks 24bit wavs just chuck em in, 120bpm.

5 tracks

drums are a stereo bounce of Superior Drummer.

All tracks stereo cos m not sure how to get the best out of logics bouncing yet.

here you go: (if they not working yet give it about 10mins as its still uploading to drop box, my connection fast so shouldnt take long)

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/880876/MIX MY SONG.zip
Thanks Dawolf..

It was just a chance to get an idea as to how eq might help, I love the way you got my lead to sit in there loud and proud.... its these simple things that delude me.

Even though someone was moaning about not having the midi you made it sound 10 times better than I ever could.

Probably cos I would fuck it up in 5 seconds
sorry not to offend.... i am sorta trying to work out my issues here blatantly its bothering with this fucking exercise in the first place, i have yet again revealed to myself what a fucking failure i am. 10 years later and my mixes still suck cock.
Well here are the things I remember.
I use reaper and mainly used the stock plugins
Drums: 3band multicomp - I compressed the mids and raised the gain on the highs, after that I saw no need to EQ it, and since it was only a stereo track there would have been a compromise on some parts of the kit.
Bass: compressor, some EQ and a tubescreamer for a bit of grit
Guitars: a simple lopass EQ and saturation
lead: EQ ,they were a bit thin I raised quite some mids, a slow delay afterwards
vox: compression and a fast delay to fatten them up
Finally a saturation/limiter on the master
Hope that helps