lately i've been buying up all the Darkthrone releases..Goatlord has been recieving alot of play here.Great album.Blaze in the Northern Sky too.
FaceDown for me.

For the longest time, I just had their masterpiece "The Twisted Rule the Wicked"...and always looked for other CD's. The came out with a new one recently, and it's definitely one of the best thrash CD's of the year. I also went back and bought an import "Mindfield" for $30 on Amazon...and it is just awesome.

Great sound, phenomenal songwriting...almost art like with the tempo changes and additional elements they throw in there...and the riffage is non-stop. Probably the best constant catchy riffs I've heard from a band.

Sounds kinda like early Machinehead sorta...only angrier, more razor sharp and metal sounding...not as american...more haunting.

fo_shizzle said:
congrats MasKedRage I am offically giving you the label of asshole. Looking at your past posts you said Korn where metal Korn are shit as is your avatar picture and you said Slipknot where sellouts yet you have clown as an avatar so you basically went against yourself.
bwahaha korn = metal = ban
unknown said:
Geasa, Zero Hour, and Drudkh are probably my crazes right now

You like the new Zerohour?

I can't seem to get into their latest release. Every song is way to similar to each other.

Their previous one was amazing though.
