What's your current "I can't stop playing these songs" list?

I don't think Fiona Apple is some kind of genius... but those 3 songs are stupidly good. Like... ridiiculously.

I wouldn't call her a genius, but a fantastic singer/songwriter/pianist, prbbly my favourite female artist along with Bjork. Even if some lyrics from Tidal are pretty shitty i don't care, the music is too great.
it's so sad nobody knows them. they deserve much more attention

I know! The only reason i discovered them was because i saw one of their album covers in a CD store, thought it looked bloody awesome, and i went home and checked them out. But i would most definetly recommend this band for everyone, i have already introduced them to a few people.

i meant that in a good way, me being ignorant and stupid, i have been listening to Diabolical Masquerade for a while, and only last night did i find out that he was in it. He is in at least 30 bands that man.

Damn this addictive album