What's your Cyborg Acronym Meaning?

H.I.S.S.: Humanoid Intended for Scientific Sabotage

C.H.R.I.S.T.I.N.A.: Cybernetic Humanoid Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage/Technician Intended for Nocturnal Assassination

muahahah im a 2-in-1
P.R.E.T.T.Y.L.U.S.H.: Person Responsible for Exploration and Terran Troubleshooting/Ytterbium Lifeform Used for Sabotage and Harm

L.I.S.A.: Lifeform Intended for Sabotage and Assassination

M.A.N.U.E.L.G.V.: Mechanical Artificial Neohuman Used for Efficient Learning and Galactic Violence

I kick ass
J.E.S.S.I.C.A.: Journeying Electronic Soldier Skilled in Infiltration and Ceaseless Assassination

M.E.S.S.I.A.H.M.A.Y.: Machine Engineered for Sabotage and Scientific Infiltration/Android Hardwired for Mathematics and Accurate Yardwork

I alway thought i was a bit of a wizz with the mower
S.C.O.T.T.: Synthetic Construct Optimized for Terran Troubleshooting

S.C.O.O.T.E.R.: Synthetic Cybernetic Organism Optimized for Troubleshooting and Efficient Repair

...so it is to be. I shall shoot the troubles. :heh:
G.O.D.: Galactic Observation Device (Ironic, eh?)

O.P.E.T.H.: Organism Programmed for Exploration and Terran Harm

D.A.N.Z.I.G.: Digital Android Normally for Zealous Infiltration and Gratification

U.M.: Upgraded Machine (UPGRADED? YAYAYAYAYAY!)
R.A.Z.I.E.L.: Robotic Artificial Zealous Infiltration and Exploration Lifeform (hubba, hubba)