Whats your Favorite Saint Album?

Whats your Favorite Armored Saint Album?

  • Armored Saint ep

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • March of the Saint

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Delirious Nomad

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Raising Fear

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saints will Conquer

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Symbol of Salvation

    Votes: 14 50.0%
  • Revelation

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
JonnyD said:
For me its a toss up between Symbols and Revalations I love both of those albums very much :) So whats you Favorite?
For me was tossing up between the debut and "Symbol Of Salvation". The debut won by a very narrow margin:grin:
ARMORED SAINT's been my favorite band for 20 years now, my favorite SAINT is allways the one im listening to at the moment.

from the ep, the song ON THE WAY

Hold on to that vision
There'll allways be some friction in your life
But you gottta keep your head high
And beat the odds with a sigh, my friend
Keep pushin to the plateau
Find gold at the end of the rainbow, begin

Feel the sweet sensation
Suddenly you've taken charge of your life
No one can surpass
Feeling good, youre on the road at last
Yes you're made of ARMOR
And you ask what this thing could be
Just jump on the road and follow me

I knew one day i would reach you
And show you lifes worth living for
Sometimes you'll go through hell first
But at the end you'll be at heavens door

Do you realise you're ON THE WAY
To an everlasting day
Dont turn your head on the ones who placed your crown
or soon you'll find yourself going down!

if i have to pick a favorite SAINT album i would say REVELATION.
not because i love it more than their other albums. REVELATION
came out and ARMORED SAINT proved the words they started with.
they went through hell but they held on to their vision and have never
turned their heads on their fans.

other bands you never know who the members will be next time you hear from them or if they are going to sell out their sound hopeing to make money on the latest musical fads.

ARMORED SAINT will be who you expect them to be and will sound
like ARMORED SAINT with the added wisdom and musical skill that
comes with 20+ years of laboring for the music you and your fans love.

sorry to all you dance of death st anger fans. changeing your music to attract younger fans at a cost of alienating your long time fans is proof
that a band doesnt have the faith in their own music to believe it could attract the younger fans & they dont have the faith that their music can
still bring back the old fans that made them successful.

the age range on this thread is from 18 to over 40 years.
funny that the bands trying to get a younger demographic are loseing the older end to get it, but ARMORED SAINT the little band with the giant ballz
has fans across the board by being themselves.

with anthrax & fates & all the other related bands ARMORED SAINT will finally get some exposure beyond socal & europe, 2005 is the year of

for any new fans