Whats your Favorite scale

Well Eddie, at least you can admit it. I would stay away from scales too if I thought there was such a thing as THE PENTATONIC SCALE and not know that there are over 700 pentatonic scales, or if I heard someone say that the tonal centre of the wholetone scale is destablised by the lack of a dominant, sub-dominant or leading tone and thought that meant that there is no 'root.' At least I wouldn't pretend to know what I was talking about
Amen??? You mean you agree that you can just "wander around" the wholetone scale because it "has not root" and that "Penta is the most overrated scale ever"
Nothinggod said:
Amen??? You mean you agree that you can just "wander around" the wholetone scale because it "has not root" and that "Penta is the most overrated scale ever"

No lol, I was agreeing that Penta is the most overrated, solamente. It's literally just taken over the guitar. When Dave Mustaine was using it, he didn't even realize until someone told him. Zakk Wylde only plays the same Pentatonic solo over and over and over again... and his influence spreads. I think it's time to stop the madness.
For instance

Zakk only plays his solo's in minor pentatonic scales, but he may change the progression a little from say... 1 b3 4 5 b7, and then for his next solo, he'll use the precise same fingering, but move it up or down a step.

Blues players usually play in this one standard penta scale using 12 bar chord progressions, and thats it.

This isn't really my field of expertise, I'm a bass player who could barely read sheet music, but the point I'm trying to make, is that I find it a little overused and overhyped.
Originally Posted by Zygote
i try to stay away from scales i feel it takes away originality

yo bro, scales dont take away originality, they are the basis of it, A scale is a guidline, the improv is urs to make ur own, unique. Erruption, sick song, sounds incredably un original, and its all scales.
Has anyone touched upon the mystical beauty of the Lydian mode? That's the coolest scale ever (in the diatonic world of scales, that is). Especially with a proper chord progression.
And also, there's basically no way to make up scales that have never been used before in the 12 tone music that we play. The best you can do is use odd ones and mix them up depending on what chord you're playing over.

So get over yourselves.
Sinister Mephisto said:
I like the half whole tone scale a lot right now. Also, Lydian and Dorian #4.

Do you mean half-whole diminished? as far as I know the diatonic scales could technically be called half tone whole tone scales. That is the Major scale and its modal enharmonics and the Melodic Minor and its modal enharmonics. Dorian #4 is intersting, it is enharmonic to the 4th mode of harmonic minor, incidentally
KelThuz said:
Has anyone touched upon the mystical beauty of the Lydian mode? That's the coolest scale ever (in the diatonic world of scales, that is). Especially with a proper chord progression.

its ok...... i know it like the back of my hand.... but i LOVE the major scale. its fun to play/