whee I got approved for my apartment!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
this is probably alien to non-New Yorkers but I just spent two weeks in this agony of trying to find an apartment (for Aug.1). amanda et al can tell you how you have to like find the listings each day and run to the apartments and shove in your application quickly against other couples and then they check your credit history and bank accounts and all this nonsense and then you might, might get it.

so someone who will be on my lease who is not me has not-so-good credit, and we put in an application for a place in Park Slope a few days ago, knowing if this failed we basically had five days to find a place to live, none of which Aysha had off to look at places. and it got held up for the credit issue, so it has been a stressful three days.

but my impeccable credit and our impressive savings account and our thorough paperwork won the day!

$1650 for a 1-bedroom that's twice the size (literally) of the $1600 one-bedroom we have now, central air, washing machine/dryer in our apartment, quiet first-floor (as opposed to fifth-floor walkup which we have now) in awesome Park Slope, Brooklyn! (as opposed to shitty Upper East Side, Manhattan)

hey it's near the Gowanus projects but w/e! yay! hooray! new york types are invited to our housewarming party when it actually happens (aug? sep?)
I pay a little more than a third of that in mortgage for my 1 bed 840 sqr feet condo that's a nice 10 minute train ride from downtown and about 30-35min walk...

Congrats on the place anyway...
meh every thread that involves mentioning the price of an nyc apartment in some way features people parachuting in being like "oh yeah well i pay $150 for my western tennessee crash pad and it's SHAWEET!"

lease is signed, and i'm just trying to arrange movers. rah!
That's a sweet deal!! Yay for washer and dryer!!! I'm sure those projects will be crawling with trust fund hipsters in no time. I wish I had a dryer.
I'm starting to look for a new place in London. It's not anything like rushing to something like you've layed it down for New York. I just need to look at a bazillion places to find the right one. There's so many places that are too expensive / lame / in shit areas / other shit. Finding a new place sucks. But once it's done it's fucking ace.
it's mellowed out a bit now, but I definitely went through the application process/stress shit in the SF Bay Area. that's what I was talking about.

I do have relatives in NYC. They used to live on West End, but I think they just moved to row-house somewhere.
in Belgrade it's more than 2,000 euros per square metre if you want to buy an apartment.

my rent is 200 euros...taking into consideration that my pay is about 450 euros a month and I have a drinking problem, I seriously broke pretty much all the time.
bandwagon jump: i pay nothing for rent & groceries for the privilege of babysitting kids and horses for like $1/hour or something. goes up to minimum wage + 25 cents/hour each for my BA and wilderness first aid certification this fall. did i tell you guys i'm the creepy OLD counselor at this summer camp i used to go to?