Wheel of time?

I've read every...single...existing WoT book. It's definitely not the greatest series. Detail is good, but Robert Jordan defines "over-detailing." The first few books are great, but then the story just drags and drags on and on, and by the ninth or tenth book, you just want to scoop your eyes out with a melon baller. It is amazing that he could create such a work with such detail, but it's just too much, and almost everyone I've talked to that TRIED reading the series never made it past book 6.
well..i have read now maybe 4 books or something..dont know because in finland they have "cut" to half those books so there are 16 books..but it seems quite good. Dont know which is better LOTR or Wheel of Time.

They are doing now movie from wheel of time just for book 1 but maybe in future to the other books.
The books are a HUGE and DETAILED fantasy series that involve a slew of characters..heck..somtimes there are 4 plotlines going on at once.

The series starts out great..then starts to drag a bit at book 8(The Parh of Daggers). It goes from being more action/things happening to political things in the book's world. It picks up in book 9, and I have yet to read book 10.

It's a great series..give it a read.
I love the series, although book 6-8 were the least good imho. Book 9 was a bit better and I have just picked up book 10 and I'm very curious if the pace will quicken again. I highly recommend the series to any fantasy fan. The characters are great, the world is very much 'alive' and the plot is great too.
I thought the series were great up until book 6 or 7, when Jordan stated that his "next book" would be the final one. Well, that would have been book 8. Now the man has like 11 books and a new one in the making! Idiot. It's the only written fantasy-soap-opera that I've ever heard of. The man just keeps writing as long as there's money to wring out of people. IMO he's not an artist anymore, just a greedy old geezer who can't make up a good ending for his story.

*BUT* if you like the first few books, I strongly suggest (in fact, I command you) to read the Dune-series by Frank Herbert. These books are set in a distant future and are more sci-fi than fantasy, but I feel that Jordan has taken a lot of inspiration from the Dune-series, which must be one of the greatest achievements of all time, alongside with LotR.
Nefilim said:
I thought the series were great up until book 6 or 7, when Jordan stated that his "next book" would be the final one. Well, that would have been book 8. Now the man has like 11 books and a new one in the making! Idiot. It's the only written fantasy-soap-opera that I've ever heard of. The man just keeps writing as long as there's money to wring out of people. IMO he's not an artist anymore, just a greedy old geezer who can't make up a good ending for his story.

*BUT* if you like the first few books, I strongly suggest (in fact, I command you) to read the Dune-series by Frank Herbert. These books are set in a distant future and are more sci-fi than fantasy, but I feel that Jordan has taken a lot of inspiration from the Dune-series, which must be one of the greatest achievements of all time, alongside with LotR.

I agree. I found myself speed-reading through the hideously dragged-out portions of the latter books in the WoT (especially book 9...I was just thinking, "come on...the Forsaken have to be in here somewhere). As for the "ending," whenever it comes, it better be damn excellent, ie worth the suffering of those last few books. On the other hand you have Dune, where every single chapter of every book, you're on the edge of your seat and clinging to every word. The Herberts (& Anderson) are just excellent writers, and use very little unnecessary filler, while still maintaining an unbelieveably detailed and interesting universe, and storylines that actually GO somewhere.
I once went to a book signing when his 10th book came out. He acted like such a jerk to his fans putting them down when they asked a question that he felt was easy enough for them to figure out themselves. Arrogant too. I haven't even read the series yet, although I have book 1 and book 10.

The only reason we went was so that my friend could go get the book signed as a gift for his girlfriend who loved the series so much. When we got up there he refused to sign anything more than his name and the amount of time my friend explained to him the situation he could have written a whole page. Still he refused.

I don't blame him for the last part, though he didn't need to be act so obnoxious towards the fans.
Rifugium said:
On the other hand you have Dune, where every single chapter of every book, you're on the edge of your seat and clinging to every word. The Herberts (& Anderson) are just excellent writers, and use very little unnecessary filler, while still maintaining an unbelieveably detailed and interesting universe, and storylines that actually GO somewhere.

well thats good to hear cause im reading it right now! and so far so good. speaking of books, has anyone read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? i just finished the first one, The Gunslinger, and man was that a weird book! but what do you expect from Stephen King. can't say i understood much of it. it was just very strange. i couldn't really put it down either though. it was just so...strange! i had to know what was gonna happen.
If you think it's the greatest series ever written, all I'm gonna say is you need to get out and read more. ;)

I think very, VERY poorly of Jordan as a writer.
wheel of time doesnt sound interesting.. especially hearing what a prick he is lol.. but the Dune series sounds interesting and I've been interested to read about The Dark Tower series for some time now.
Book 8 seemed to bore me to sleep...it took me a long time to actually finish it...I think the whole book covers only about 3 days, or at least I'm thinkin it does, and the detail in it was overloading my brain...I'm partial to George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series...I enjoyed those books more than I did the WoT series. A good read IMHO...now, just waiting on the fourth book...I also enjoyed the Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman...you might give those a read if you get the chance...
I want see that movie when it comes!! i hope they will make movies for the other books too.

And if you didnt know hes writing now the 11 book