I had a fairly detailed report going but realized it was going to deteriorate into generalities before too long. So here's the generalities in somewhat chronological order:
JohnnyD -- my parntner in crime for most of the weekend -- you rock!
I had a kick ass time hanging out and discussing politics and religion too into the wee hours of the morning.
Narcosynthesis -- Had a great time with you and Kat last year and again this year. Always a pleasure.
KittyBeast and Pabla -- thanks for hosting the get-together Friday afternoon. We wouldn't have gotten to see the transvestite baton twirler if we hadn't walked down to your place.
SavaRon -- it was great to shoot the breeze with you and your wife on several occasions during the weekend. Lots of laughs.
Metalages -- somehow we never crossed paths. Sorry about that. Thanks for the goodies. That sampler disc looks like it will kick ass and get major play from me.
Bryant. Thanks for not showing me your ass. Fuck you for the noogie. Thanks for hauling us down to Abdullah the Butcher's BBQ joint. Thanks, in general, for being my metal brother.
The rest of the weekend in somewhat chronological order:
The pre-party on Thursday night was packed with talent. Outworld kicked things off and played a very nice set. DC Cooper played an acoustic set backed by a band that was thrown together in basically a half hour. They killed considering the amount of time they practiced together. Of course one of the guitarists was Tore Ostby. Orphaned Land's acoustic set was very good too. Those boys are quite talented and the different sound is refreshing. Johnny told me Dreamscape was really good. I went to the VIP lounge to socialize during their set.
Friday afternoon JohnnyD and I headed on down to Kittbeast and Pabla's place. It was about a mile and a half walk or so. That's when we met up with the transvestite baton twirler. He-she was an experience, to say the least. He-she prolly coulda kicked both our asses if we would have laughed once we realized that what we thought was a she was really a he. There are no pics from Kitty and Pabla's place because Pabla still had her jammies on and nixed any pictures before there was even any thought of taking any.
Manticora completely kicked ass. They were the hardest working band of the weekend by far. They played a pretty good cross-section of their material. I was fairly happy with the set. We met Lars, the lead vocalist, Saturday night sometime. He's a really nice guy with a good sense o humor. I told him he reminded me a bit of Biff Byford and he said, "Ok, that's it. I'm done with this conversation." and walked away. I figured I had pissed him off but he soon came back and explained that they had seen Saxon at one time and joked that Biff looked like John Cleese of Monty Python fame. The joke was on me.
Circus Maximus played their show fairly flawlessly. It was enjoyable but lacking any spontaneity that I go to live shows for. I was up in the seats and still got some decent pics because they were like statues. A little on the boring side but if you like youor live music to sound like it came right off the CD then these guys are for you.
I missed Orphaned Land because we were outside shooting the breeze with Symphorce. Andy told us about how he had introduced the rest of the band to Buffalo wings. Marcus and Cede were a bit worried about their show the next night and feeling a bit of pressure. We told them not to worry and just do what they do. That was a lot of fun talking to them.
Conception was absolutely incredible. It was obvious from the very beginning that they were having fun. Tore had a smile on his face from start to finish. Khan can't hit everything but his performance was fine. They played nearly everything I wanted to hear and covered their catalogue fairly well. The majority was from "Flow".
Angra started out really slow with an obcenely long orchestrated keyboard thingy. Once they did come out and actually start playing something, Edu was off and having problems. He got a couple of songs under his belt and seemed to be warmed up and then the vox went to hell again. They were severely lacking in a lot of things and it was pissing me off because I had really been looking forward to seeing them. I left after about 6 songs because I didn't want any more reasons to be pissed off.
Saturday morning I played phone tag trying to get a bunch of us together for a trip down to Abdullah the Butcher's BBQ joint. We finally got everything sorted out and made our way down there. Pretty good food and the atmosphere is great if you're an old school wrestling fan.
Stride started the show off Saturday night. They are obviously quite talented but just not really to my liking a whole lot. We left their show a bit early to get a smoke in and something to drink in preparation for Symphorce.
Symphorce absolutely slayed. Andy B. is the man when it comes to fronting a band. His opening line was something like "for the next forty five minutes your asses are ours."
His line before the last song they played was, "One more song and then you can have your asses back." Overall my second favorite set of the weekend. I wish they would have had more time to play a few more songs.
Pink Cream 69 is a fun, straight-ahead rock band. They put on a good show but it didn't entirely click with me. I knew nearly every damn song they played and it still didn't help. Maybe I was getting a little worn out. They were solid and it sounded good.
I skipped Therion. I had planned on skipping Therion from the first two listens of a few of their discs. Sometimes blowing money on blind buys really sucks. They did win over a few fans from what I've seen and I probably should have taken in a few songs.
I caught a few of Stratovarious' tunes and just decided I'd had enough. I had planned on skipping them too but another friend had wanted to check them out so I went along with him. What can I say? They had a really long orchestrated intro too.
Kitty called me while I was at the Broncos game yesterday and wanted to know when I was planning on going to the airport. She was a little surprised when I told her I was already back and at the game.
Silly Kitty. I'm as nuts about Broncos home games as I am about Prog Power.
I guess that's about it. I got my pictures up early this morning. Looks like this will be the last year I bother with pictures. Glenn has banned digital cameras from now on thanks to the bootleggers. Here's the pics:
JohnnyD -- my parntner in crime for most of the weekend -- you rock!

Narcosynthesis -- Had a great time with you and Kat last year and again this year. Always a pleasure.
KittyBeast and Pabla -- thanks for hosting the get-together Friday afternoon. We wouldn't have gotten to see the transvestite baton twirler if we hadn't walked down to your place.
SavaRon -- it was great to shoot the breeze with you and your wife on several occasions during the weekend. Lots of laughs.
Metalages -- somehow we never crossed paths. Sorry about that. Thanks for the goodies. That sampler disc looks like it will kick ass and get major play from me.

Bryant. Thanks for not showing me your ass. Fuck you for the noogie. Thanks for hauling us down to Abdullah the Butcher's BBQ joint. Thanks, in general, for being my metal brother.
The rest of the weekend in somewhat chronological order:
The pre-party on Thursday night was packed with talent. Outworld kicked things off and played a very nice set. DC Cooper played an acoustic set backed by a band that was thrown together in basically a half hour. They killed considering the amount of time they practiced together. Of course one of the guitarists was Tore Ostby. Orphaned Land's acoustic set was very good too. Those boys are quite talented and the different sound is refreshing. Johnny told me Dreamscape was really good. I went to the VIP lounge to socialize during their set.
Friday afternoon JohnnyD and I headed on down to Kittbeast and Pabla's place. It was about a mile and a half walk or so. That's when we met up with the transvestite baton twirler. He-she was an experience, to say the least. He-she prolly coulda kicked both our asses if we would have laughed once we realized that what we thought was a she was really a he. There are no pics from Kitty and Pabla's place because Pabla still had her jammies on and nixed any pictures before there was even any thought of taking any.

Manticora completely kicked ass. They were the hardest working band of the weekend by far. They played a pretty good cross-section of their material. I was fairly happy with the set. We met Lars, the lead vocalist, Saturday night sometime. He's a really nice guy with a good sense o humor. I told him he reminded me a bit of Biff Byford and he said, "Ok, that's it. I'm done with this conversation." and walked away. I figured I had pissed him off but he soon came back and explained that they had seen Saxon at one time and joked that Biff looked like John Cleese of Monty Python fame. The joke was on me.
Circus Maximus played their show fairly flawlessly. It was enjoyable but lacking any spontaneity that I go to live shows for. I was up in the seats and still got some decent pics because they were like statues. A little on the boring side but if you like youor live music to sound like it came right off the CD then these guys are for you.
I missed Orphaned Land because we were outside shooting the breeze with Symphorce. Andy told us about how he had introduced the rest of the band to Buffalo wings. Marcus and Cede were a bit worried about their show the next night and feeling a bit of pressure. We told them not to worry and just do what they do. That was a lot of fun talking to them.
Conception was absolutely incredible. It was obvious from the very beginning that they were having fun. Tore had a smile on his face from start to finish. Khan can't hit everything but his performance was fine. They played nearly everything I wanted to hear and covered their catalogue fairly well. The majority was from "Flow".
Angra started out really slow with an obcenely long orchestrated keyboard thingy. Once they did come out and actually start playing something, Edu was off and having problems. He got a couple of songs under his belt and seemed to be warmed up and then the vox went to hell again. They were severely lacking in a lot of things and it was pissing me off because I had really been looking forward to seeing them. I left after about 6 songs because I didn't want any more reasons to be pissed off.
Saturday morning I played phone tag trying to get a bunch of us together for a trip down to Abdullah the Butcher's BBQ joint. We finally got everything sorted out and made our way down there. Pretty good food and the atmosphere is great if you're an old school wrestling fan.
Stride started the show off Saturday night. They are obviously quite talented but just not really to my liking a whole lot. We left their show a bit early to get a smoke in and something to drink in preparation for Symphorce.
Symphorce absolutely slayed. Andy B. is the man when it comes to fronting a band. His opening line was something like "for the next forty five minutes your asses are ours."

Pink Cream 69 is a fun, straight-ahead rock band. They put on a good show but it didn't entirely click with me. I knew nearly every damn song they played and it still didn't help. Maybe I was getting a little worn out. They were solid and it sounded good.
I skipped Therion. I had planned on skipping Therion from the first two listens of a few of their discs. Sometimes blowing money on blind buys really sucks. They did win over a few fans from what I've seen and I probably should have taken in a few songs.
I caught a few of Stratovarious' tunes and just decided I'd had enough. I had planned on skipping them too but another friend had wanted to check them out so I went along with him. What can I say? They had a really long orchestrated intro too.
Kitty called me while I was at the Broncos game yesterday and wanted to know when I was planning on going to the airport. She was a little surprised when I told her I was already back and at the game.

I guess that's about it. I got my pictures up early this morning. Looks like this will be the last year I bother with pictures. Glenn has banned digital cameras from now on thanks to the bootleggers. Here's the pics: