When did you stop believing in god?

I didn't say it should be prohibited. It should get taken down because it is disrespectful in a way that you obviously don't understand. In many, many people's eyes, by posting that picture, you've just done something far worse than any terrorist act, rape, or murder. The fact that you would put that picture up means either you are an ignoramus who does not understand what you are doing OR you are a complete and utter asshole who is willing to hurt innocent, though perhaps misguided, people for no reason but personal entertainment.

I don't think you understand what you are doing. There is no excuse. Sure, these people may be misguided, but they are not necessarily bad people. But you are hurting them by posting that. I don't know if you realize that. Like they see that shit and they'll start crying. It's fucked up that you would do that. It's like punching a retard and then laughing at him. I personally don't want that shit on this forum. I'm hoping you just did that for a quick laugh and didn't really think about it.

The whole point of the Draw Muhammed Day (which is where that image came from) thing is precisely to combat this completely illogical phenomenon. People who display those images DO understand EXACTLY what they're doing.

Muslims have fucking KILLED people over simple cartoons - fucking cartoons - for the exact same logical process you've just followed here.

And that should offend every sensible rational person on the planet - regardless of other viewpoints.

It needs to be combatted, and fought, ridiculed, and made to seem completely nonsensical. Because it is.
I said it earlier - when you resort to base level attacks and insults, you have become exactly what you rile against. Being dickish is easy, it takes very little effort or thought, but rarely influences debate or results in someone else rethinking a position..

And this is where you're wrong. Speaking of Islam as a whole for a second - because I am well aware that there are some kind hearted, generous, and reasonable Muslims - as a whole, it is just as barbaric a philosophy as any other religion.

And that needs to be challenged on all fronts. Comedically, inter-personal communication, politics, sociologically, philosophically, and all the whole breadth of human experience.

If someone sees something that they see as harmful, it is their duty to take it to task - and it is their prerogative as to how they do that. Of course this gets necessarily circular, because someone can take issue with their prerogative.

But that is the entire point of free expression. Censorship (self-censorship or otherwise) just isn't a solution to our worldly problems. It always causes more problems than it solves - isolation, depression, fear, envy, and all the other fucked up things that result from it.
If someone sees something that they see as harmful, it is their duty to take it to task - and it is their prerogative as to how they do that.

Your making my point! :Smug:

I can simply take your words and put them in any "true believers" mouth and the end result will be the same. If you feel something is a "duty", you clearly have a "cause" that has become a personal "movement" and in that distinction, your opinion (belief) becomes the truth you need/require others to have.

Pot, kettle... meet black ;)
Your making my point! :Smug:

I can simply take your words and put them in any "true believers" mouth and the end result will be the same. If you feel something is a "duty", you clearly have a "cause" that has become a personal "movement" and in that distinction, your opinion (belief) becomes the truth you need/require others to have.

Pot, kettle... meet black ;)

I think you missed my point.
Really? How so?

So, for example, say you sort of have a problem with obesity (if not insert something you don't like) - you really feel it is your duty, even through what you consider humor, to insult, shame, rile against, the chubby girl till she loses weight? Your the one who used the word "duty" in respect to fighting against things that harm people. Perhaps it's only things "you" think harm people- if so it's less so a "duty" and more of a I'm right and your wrong type thing. If not... perhaps I amthe wrong one here - I've been wrong before so it's nothing new. C'est Le Vie

Personally I'd rather live by example than have some half-assed "duty" to ridicule or insult others into a shared belief (or non-belief in this case). But hey, hate is easy - probably the easiest of emotions to have.
Personally I'd rather live by example

I think this really cuts to the heart of it. Call it what you will, being an example, having a sense of duty, having principles, the end result is the same.

I don't think that publishing a cartoon of a fictious character should result in hysteria, mass protest, looting, and murder. I am willing to offend the sensibilities of those who think this sort of reaction is acceptable - I believe it is not, and to say so through any sort of active discourse is not the same level of intolerance as you're imply.

It is a reaction to intolerance. It wouldn't happen if these people stopped trying to force everyone to adhere to their ridiculous notions. Paint it as bigotted and intolerant if you like, but I really don't see what is so offensive about a fucking image.

Case in point - I remember Carlos taking a picture of me and putting my head on Michael Stipes body. It was jokes, and I laughed. But even if I didn't, I wouldn't call for him to be murdered.
The whole point of the Draw Muhammed Day (which is where that image came from) thing is precisely to combat this completely illogical phenomenon. People who display those images DO understand EXACTLY what they're doing.

Muslims have fucking KILLED people over simple cartoons - fucking cartoons - for the exact same logical process you've just followed here.

And that should offend every sensible rational person on the planet - regardless of other viewpoints.

It needs to be combatted, and fought, ridiculed, and made to seem completely nonsensical. Because it is.

A few piece of shit Muslims killed because of cartoons. Just like a few piece of shit metalheads went around burning churches and some even eat each other. It doesn't mean all Muslims are bad, just like not all metalheads are bad. You are doing exactly what Disney is doing to us metalheads -- punishing an entire group for the actions of few.

All the Muslims I've met were good people, very kind and selfless. Not once has one come up to me and suggested anything about religion. I don't understand why you would hate them so much as to post that shit.
you have the "freedom of speech"
we have the "freedom of killing" now STFU

anyways im sick of this thread...
the main thing is
yes we are 100 year's behind than Usa,Uk or watever modern countries
we dont have the "freedom of speech" which is a good thing.. That freedom makes human act like animals "do whatever shit you want"
i dont know if there is any God or not.. but one thing i can say is that Religion made me a good person... its not about Muslims,christian,budhist,hindus,jews etc etc
its about the one thing we all believe in!! and i would defend any religion over here...
Believing something isnt bad at all...We all do in some ways
you are not loosing anything!!
Jefftd SORRY
i wasn't raised as a ignorant fuck thats why i apologize for my behavior