when do we get Negura Bunget NEWS???


A trailer for the new NEGURA BUNGET album, "Om", can be accessed at this location. The CD is scheduled for release on October 30th via code666 records.
The aural music webstore will accept pre-orders starting from October 2nd.

Negura Bunget from Transilvania (Rumania) is now considered as one of the most respected underground black metal bands in the world and are back after the acclaimed cd "N Crugu Bradului". "OM" is a a concept-album dealing with Purification, part of a Ritual to transform the listener into an evolved individual... the CD is available in a very special limited edition, a Deluxe 8 panels Double Digipack including the standard Audio Cd and a bonus DVD disc with music-video, in-depth interview with the band, live footage, and special unreleased exclusive material.

Official website: www.negurabunget.com