When is the new Vital Remains out?

Great record ..bought it based on your review.

The musicianship is incredible and the songs certainly have diveristy.

My only compliant is that Benton would not shut up :) it seems that all the tracks have vocals from beginning to end ( I am exagerating of course ), they should have let the songs breathe more and have less lyrics.

How awesome is the beginning of Entwined by Vengeance ... where it just grinds away.

Great record, nonetheless. As you listen to it, it almost feels as the band is getting more warmed up and more intense with each track (or is that just my blood boiling :) )
lurch70 said:
Great record, nonetheless. As you listen to it, it almost feels as the band is getting more warmed up and more intense with each track (or is that just my blood boiling :) )

Good call. The latter half is certainly more bombastic than the first. I'm not sure if I agree about Benton overusing his vocals though, but I can see your point. The thing I like most about the vocals is how they've double layered the high pitch screams with the low end growls.
JayKeeley said:
Good call. The latter half is certainly more bombastic than the first. I'm not sure if I agree about Benton overusing his vocals though, but I can see your point. The thing I like most about the vocals is how they've double layered the high pitch screams with the low end growls.

I think people have just grown used to Benton's lackluster vocal performances, such as In Torment In Hell and Insiniratehymn.... and Dechristianize just blows everything he's been involved with since Legion away..

Well.. actually, I'll give him Once Upon The Cross, that was a good one too. So, everything since Once Upon...

But seriously, I do believe this could be a career defining moment for Mr. Satan Spawn... :tickled: