When is the new Vital Remains out?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Other than Papa Josh's great review, I've read some other reviews really praising this release. In fact, I've not heard a bad word said about Dechristianize. Even Benton naysayers are admitting that this could be a contender for the DM release of the year!

Anyway, is anyone else interested in hearing it? And does anyone know when it's available to buy?
I have a really old compilation track by Vital Remains on the "Deaf Metal Sampler" from way back when (with Eucharist "The View" and rare demo tracks from AtG and Dissection -- HAH) called "War In Paradise" and it totally blew me away. I never knew (reasonably) brutal death metal could be so fucking epic. Oh, and it has those winding bass lines. I'm a sucker for winding bass lines.

So what I'm trying to say is I've been meaning to check out Vital Remains for a long time based on the total excellency of that track. Can someone who's familiar with that song tell me whether their more recent stuff is similar?
phyre said:
I have a really old compilation track by Vital Remains on the "Deaf Metal Sampler" from way back when (with Eucharist "The View" and rare demo tracks from AtG and Dissection -- HAH) called "War In Paradise" and it totally blew me away. I never knew (reasonably) brutal death metal could be so fucking epic. Oh, and it has those winding bass lines. I'm a sucker for winding bass lines.

So what I'm trying to say is I've been meaning to check out Vital Remains for a long time based on the total excellency of that track. Can someone who's familiar with that song tell me whether their more recent stuff is similar?

"Once the intro is done and the title track begins, it's apparent right from the start that the epic songs of yesterday are still intact...", Papa Josh, Royal Carnage - May 2003.
I know you can get it from The End. The packaging is supposed to be awesome..

As far as past albums go, kill someone if you have to and get Dawn Of The Apocalypse.

I would just work backwards with these guys.


Dawn Of The Apocalypse

Forever Underground ("I Am God" is EPIC Morbid Angel, with one of the baddest acoustic guitar solos over brutal death metal you have ever heard!)

Into Cold Darkness

Let Us Prey (a bitch to get, even on eBay, seen it go anywhere from $40-$70... :OMG: )

If you haven't, make sure and read the interview with VR online now. (Shameless plug)
Papa Josh said:
I know you can get it from The End. The packaging is supposed to be awesome..

Nope - I've not seen it there ever! Or me blind.

As far as past albums go, kill someone if you have to and get Dawn Of The Apocalypse.

How does DotA compare to Dechristianize?

If you haven't, make sure and read the interview with VR online now. (Shameless plug)

It is a very good discussion. Perhaps it's me being biased with our interviews, but I find that if a band is really personable in their discussions with us, it makes me want to check out their music too.

Not that the two need to go hand in hand, but it's nice to know that a band is as cool in their personality as they are in their music, you know? For some reason, I would never really have looked at it that way before.
I have never had a kind word to say about Deicide (and death metal has never been my preferred genre, I get bored rather quickly with endless blastbeat fare) and I am still impressed with what I've heard from this album...the epic death metal description is accurate...
Demonspell said:
I have never had a kind word to say about Deicide (and death metal has never been my preferred genre, I get bored rather quickly with endless blastbeat fare) and I am still impressed with what I've heard from this album...the epic death metal description is accurate...

Where did you buy it from?
Man, I've missed the boat with Vital Remains it seems! They're one of those bands I *knew* about and never got around to hearing. This has been a very helpful thread though!

Sigh. More albums to buy.
Papa Josh said:
You are very welcome. Promise me you will crank this bitch the day it shows up in the mail.

I promise. :)

Although, The End must have hit another delivery slump. I'm generally ordering everything with the $3 priority shipping option (as opposed to free), and it's still taking 2 weeks to deliver the goods.
The album speaks wonders. But talk about underusing Dave Suzuki - his leads are remarkable. He totally makes the song "Dechristianize" - listen to the melody kick in at 2:20, and then the reprise at 6:20. Just incredible stuff.

It's not all blast beats and triggers - although there is a lot of brutality. But check out "Savior to none...Failure to all" or "Devoured Elysium" - two excellent slower paced tracks.

The thing about this album is that is EPIC death metal - I think it's "Entwined by Vengeance" where they introduce acoustic guitars soloing over the rhythm pieces....just a brilliant album, and I've only heard it fully twice.
JayKeeley said:
The album speaks wonders. But talk about underusing Dave Suzuki - his leads are remarkable. He totally makes the song "Dechristianize" - listen to the melody kick in at 2:20, and then the reprise at 6:20. Just incredible stuff.

It's not all blast beats and triggers - although there is a lot of brutality. But check out "Savior to none...Failure to all" or "Devoured Elysium" - two excellent slower paced tracks.

The thing about this album is that is EPIC death metal - I think it's "Entwined by Vengeance" where they introduce acoustic guitars soloing over the rhythm pieces....just a brilliant album, and I've only heard it fully twice.

I am glad you enjoy it. It's in my preliminary Top 5 of 2003...