When will we see a new album?


I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001
Will there be a new Katatonia album coming out this year?

The official page is dead and there's really no way to get news unless it's on a website like Digitalmetal.com, but there doesn't seem to be much at the moment.

Maybe someone in the know could help us fans out... Has anyone heard anything for or against a new album release this year?
i think the bloke in my avatar said the end of the year, or sometime then, so i predict that if all goes well we will have the opeth album about the same time as Opeths, and bloodbaths maybe, or it might be late next year considering the bloodbath full length has to be worked on too, so winter is looking like the time...
Originally posted by requiem
The official page is dead and there's really no way to get news unless it's on a website like Digitalmetal.com, but there doesn't seem to be much at the moment.

The official page is absolutely not dead. Any news digitalmetal.com gets concerning Katatonia is almost always from Katatonia.com itself. The page is updated the instant the guys in the band have any relevant news to share. As soon as there is any information to share with the public, you'll see it up.
Originally posted by forlorn soul

The official page is absolutely not dead.

Sorry, I meant news about the band. Not competitions to win Katatonia cigarette lighters....
Hey requiem, slow down.
I'm sure that the guys don't know when a new album will be recorded or released. And when there is no news, you can't have them. The Katatonia-page is really good, nothing to complain about.
I don't believe that Jesse is hiding any information about Katatonia. :rolleyes:
The lighters and the Guitarpics are looking really nice by the way.;)
Well, obviously I don't think they're deliberately witholding information to annoy us all....:)

It's a great website, but no information means 'dead website' as far as news is concerned.

So I guess this means that they're not going to record anything soon, then? That sucks!!:(
heh, no... that's the whole plot... they want it to be a surprise, so some day, it'll all of a sudden say 'go out tomorrow, new cd.' ;) nah, i cant fault the website for lack of info... i mean, if they're not really doing anything, theres not really anything to say. it would be cool if some interesting toys could be posted in the interim, however... how bout those videos, eh?? ;)
I have nothing to complain about their site, except that they should update their playlist more often ...and I want to see more pics, there aren't any from the last tour for example!!!!!!:(
Originally posted by ether
I have nothing to complain about their site, except that they should update their playlist more often ...and I want to see more pics, there aren't any from the last tour for example!!!!!!:(

OK, we'll get the playlist updated soon. As far as pics from the last tour.. well, I asked and asked for some, but none were ever sent of any nice quality.. so..
Weeeeell, guys. Finally we´ll have to listen Paradise Lost´s new album before Katatonia´s again... hehe.
Next Septembeeeerrrrrrrrr ;)
Greetings from Spain :)
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Ahh yes, but that's not necessarily 231 different people. The 11 posters could have each looked at it 21 times....... (and yes, I used a calculator to figure that out :D)


It just looked odd on the mainpage...
yeah, im really unsure on what to expect, i mean how in hell can you follow up any katatonia album? lets start from the first, DODS, great album, then followed up by the classic BMD, the redifining DO, the classic brilliance of TD and then what can i say about the new album, my favourite of last year. (oh yeah, i didnt bother talking about 'the revivial' and the EPs...)

im completly uncertain on what to expect except something plain and normal (ie. brilliant) :D