When you first Heard Dan's Voice

it's a nice song...not a eurovision winner but there were worse songs that got to the finals...in any case this wasn't a song that would give them international break...they're making music since 1988 and have 10 albums, they're too israeli for europe...they have their success

*nod* I like the humor... But the damn thing gets stuck in my head too easily. I haven't heard it since the semifinals, but it still plops up in my head from time to time. :p
and another classic for y'all
while ye ol' metalheads were listening to Unorthodox
I was a little boy listening to this dutch piece of shit
I'm sure I'm not the only one though
this is also the only song i ever remixed...i have my remix on a tape somewhere...unfortunately all of my tape players are busted

Actually my friends,

I think it was last year when I was to a club with my collegues from work
that band in question was "performing" live!
or actually it was only the chick.

It was a nice type of nostalgic trip, because I remember being something around 12yo. and listening to them... thank god ( ? ) I grew up!!!
"The spectral sorrows" for me, a friend sold it to me for 70 SEK back in the days. One week later he changed his mind and wanted it back, needless to say I refused.

And I still refuse to call that snaredrum crap, it fits awesomelly Dan! ;)