Where are u all?!?!?!

Mortis Serenitatis

New Metal Member
Jan 3, 2002
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Ok i dont get it :confused:
I've been living in Mexico for the last 11 years of my life (im 20) and thats where I heard of the best band in the world, OPETH. Anyways, i just moved to the CALI and i havnet meet one OPETH fan whatsoever, let alone anybody thats heard of them, and its pissin me off, cuz everybody listens to mainstream crap (not that theres anything wrong with it), and nobody that i know likes OPETH, while i know tons of people in mexico that love OPETH. So maybe this way ill get to meet all ya all that know how to appreciate good music. :)

Peace out

Nobody here in hick-central, Oklahoma knows who Opeth is though. Only one other person that I know of has any clue who they are.
where r you at?

Best way to meet Opeth fans is to get into the local metal scene, go to a couple of shows, and eventually you'll run into some Opethians.
Down here in southern Sweden there's quite the few Opeth fans. You don't really see people running around in Opeth T-shirts, but that's not the only way to find them, of course. Go to shows, hang out in heavy metal CD-shops (if there are any... otherwise some little alternative music shop may work. :D)
Originally posted by tenebrose
Down here in southern Sweden there's quite the few Opeth fans. You don't really see people running around in Opeth T-shirts, but that's not the only way to find them, of course. Go to shows, hang out in heavy metal CD-shops (if there are any... otherwise some little alternative music shop may work. :D)

Not really that many here in northern Sweden either (actually I don't know a single one..). Every metal fan seem to be into Power Metal mostly (not that it's anything wrong with liking that, I do also..)
im in fresno right but im always moving. Last year i was in Arkansas going to school, and just a couple of months ago i was in LA so im kinda all over the place. And since Mexico City is the biggest city in the world Opeth is getting bigger and bigger there. And there are places in Mexcio city where you'll find people with opeth shirts. Before i came to the states i went to the Black Festival im mexico city where Lacrimas Profundere, After Forever, Within Temtation, and Sanguis Et Cinis played (by the way it was an awsome concert) and i saw so many poeple with Opeth shirts, now unfortunalty i havnet been here long enough to go to a concert or anything but i would really like to go to one as soon as there is one in my area.
I'm the only one at my school that listens to Opeth, that I am aware of. I wear my Opeth shirt weekly and no one ever mentions that they listen to Opeth to me, so i'm assuming no one does, if someone had an Opeth shirt on i'd say something. We have too many "hardcore punks" that rebel by listening to commercialized punkrock that whines about insignificant crap. (I know there is punk that isn't like this, but i'm talking about the punk that is becoming almost the same as numetal)
Viviste en Mexico o eres de Mexico? hehe pense que nunca iba a entrar alguien mas de aqui. Yo soy de Monterrey ojala te heches mas vueltas aka en el forum esta chido aqui ( no hagas caso a los que dicen que no ).

Por cierto ese festival iba a venir aqui a Monterrey tambien pero se cancelo por falta de venta...aqui si no es black metal o heavy poca rasa ( o nadie ) va...pero como quiera se hacen tours para ir al D.F>