Where da weed at, m'fucker!

getting drunk and getting stoned are each good in their own right. when i want to party and run around and be stupid and have a great time....i get HAMMERED. when i want to chill out, watch some tv and just relax, ill smoke some pot
Bastard child said:
Dude how and why would you hide beers?

Mr Annihilator Of Coffee, is a tad younger than the legal drinking age, I believe.

I'm a firm believer in experimentation with drugs/alcohol when I feel like it. I don't particuarly favour either, and will try almost anything once. It's not a lifestyle for me.

I also find, after years of meditation, I get a greater high from meditation than drugs anyways.
dilema1362 said:
getting drunk and getting stoned are each good in their own right. when i want to party and run around and be stupid and have a great time....i get HAMMERED. when i want to chill out, watch some tv and just relax, ill smoke some pot

dilema1362 said:
getting drunk and getting stoned are each good in their own right. when i want to party and run around and be stupid and have a great time....i get HAMMERED. when i want to chill out, watch some tv and just relax, ill smoke some pot

yeah im the same.

Plus if you want to save money on booze, have 5 or 6 drinks and then smoke pot, you'll be pretty fucked after that and you won't have as bad of hangover and less of a chance of getting too rowdy.
Bastard child said:
Dude how and why would you hide beers?

Ahahaha Ya.. My cousin used to go everywhere with at leats three beers Hiden on Him. he had to be buzzed in one way or the other.

Hum i think that the mushrooms sound awwwwwsome i still havent gotten the chance to try em yet :( :erk::erk:
shrooms are cool and all, but the problem with them is you really need to set aside almost an entire day for them. it lasts like 8 hours and if you try doing anything after like 3 hours you're going to have quite a problem, plus a bad trip can suck extreme balls. personally i like weed a lot better or another drug.
lol ya u dotn see ppl bein assholes on weed but its more than likly to be One when drunk espically with some guys Xtream fuckers when drunk with a few i know :Puke: and its an in ur face kinda thing