Where did you...


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
...first hear CoB?

I first heard them a couple of years ago on Metalshop. Metalshop is a segment that KISW, a local (Seattle) rock station does on Saturdays. They played three CoB songs in a row, Children of Decadence, Follow the Reaper and Bodom After Midnight. I heard those and called in demanding to know who the fuck that was. He (the DJ) told me and ever since, I have loved CoB.
A friend of mine recommended me Hatebreeder, the album. He told me that he didn't like the vocals but music rocked, and I agreed. I wasn't much into black/death metal and was not used to growling. But now I am and i love it.
Extendar, don't take it personally, but i try not to read your posts because your avatar makes me sick... *puke* ;)
first i got into Sinergy then into CoB... everyone in the Sinergy board was saying how Alexi ruled but i didn't care much for him at first... at first hehe
then i downloaded some stuff but i was freaked away with the growls, i never listened to death metal (or growls at least) before CoB so i hated the voice, i thought the guy was incredible and a motherfucker at the same time cause he was ruining the music that way...
some months went by and i listened to it a bit more and slowly got obsessed... the melodies just blew my head off, i think i listened to nothing else than CoB for a week...
\m/ CoB \m/
Heard about them through Megadeth forums in an underground metal thread. Someone recommended In Flames and Children of Bodom. I then bought Hatebreeder (which was the newsest album at the time), and The Jester Race. My life has never been the same.
Originally posted by Raistlin1980
Extendar, don't take it personally, but i try not to read your posts because your avatar makes me sick... *puke* ;)

useless, I complained to him about the same thing long ago... I don't know what it is but still :erk: :puke:
I heard first the Hatebreeder... I get from my friend!
And I downloaded the Something Wild, the Tokyo Warhearts, and bought the Hatebreeder, & The Follow The Reaper...
:headbang: FUCKIN HEAVY METAL! :headbang:

I got the three first albums from my friend. I wasnt a metalhead. Then I put FTR into the Hi-Fi. And.... wow. I must say I was.... dunno the word. But I remember I said my father "Hehe, in five months I will have the room full of posters, and I will have hundreds of albums....." (joking).

Now that is true. Im heavier than the thunder! Thanks to COB... :headbang:
A friend recommended them and sent me 'Follow the Reaper', 'Hate Me' and 'Everytime I die'
I was blown away at once :)

And leave Extendar alone already, will ya? :p
I bought downfall CDs and was totally blown away.. I sold it few months later with 5mk (under 1 euro :zombie:, and no, I'm not right now too happy about the fact that I sold it with that price..).