No, don't move me to the 'Chat' forum yet Mark - what I mean is, what kind of clubs are there for you people around the UK into the metal scene? Personally, I go to one in Wolverhampton each Wednesday (Slacker's, The Terrace Bar, at the Molyneux), I co-DJ one with two friends every Thursday (Blasphemy, Walkabout Inn, Queen Street, Wolverhampton - we're back every week from February 7th), there's a place in Bilston every Friday (Club ROAR, by the bus station, Bilston), and there's occasionally Corrosion in Wolverhampton of a Saturday (Corrosion, Civic Hall, The Wulfrun, Wolverhampton). So in the West Midlands, we're catered for fairly well.
How about everyone else?
How about everyone else?