Where do you see yourslef in 10 years?

lol Ustrel, trust me there are times when i certainly don't feel all that young especially when i'm the one taking care of nephy; have you ever spent an entire day chasing after a little bundle of nonstop energy that has more speed thant their size suggests? that's guaranteed to make anyone feel old

I am the oldest of 6 children.. When I was 13... all of my spare time after school and during the summer months all i did was take care of my newborn brother. He is 6 now.
I know what it feels like.... TRUST ME ... lol

oh my dream shattered to pieces

LOL!! tell me this dream??? hehehe

haha ..... any girl who doesn,t want kids is my kind of girl, especially if she's a cute metal chick
would you mind one that is on tour all the time? heheh
I don't want kids either...... and in 10 years i'm probably the same as sister of sorrow.... a drunken, unemployed bastard.... or, better, dead
What the hell is about that not wanting kids thing? I want kids, I just know that my kids will hate me coz I'll be too busy to spend enough time with them :(
Ralf: you would make time for them, if you had them.

Delt: sweet

Right now i don't want kids.. but i might change later in life
in ten years i will have really long hair and an amazing beard....

not to mention my postcount

and i'll be mindbogglingly sexy

* S P A N K ! ! ! *