Where do you see yourslef in 10 years?

scratch what i said ealier. actually change the names and what not to finland. that's where i want to go. move to finland and marry one of it's fine females. and preferably soon. i don't know how much longer i can take this shit.
I will be living with my husband, two or three cats and probably with one or two adorable children in a chic and stylish house somewhere near Helsinki. Or not. :p
10 years? Either dead from alcohol poisoning or swallowing a frisbee, or still in Finland with a husband(me, married tho? riiiiight Boyfriend? Sure. Husband? ehhhhh). 50/50 chance! I have to live through this year, I am 27, associated with the music scene thus am supposed to die this year. If I make it thru this year, I should be alive in ten, barring a random ninja attack.
Tal, when battleheart gets signed, we're gonna sail to finland, steal you, and you will join our crew.

No pussy ninjas will touch my favourite yank :lol:
In ten years I'll be almost 40 :yow: , even more wrinkled than I am now, most likely still married to my dear "private dancer" hubby, a mother of a 14 years old girl, living in our new house and doing the same job as I do now.
In ten years. Hopefully married, maybe have a kid. I wish to have succesful band, releasing cd's and maybe toring. I want to be building up recording studio, and my own record label within the next 20 years would be nice......

I need money first, to acheive most of that...
In 10 years I hope to be touring different countries, and being an inspiration to plenty of metal and classical musicians.