Where in the world are The Iron Maidens?

A fairly small island connected by a causeway to a peninsula mostly ruled by the house of Saud.

Since I'm keeping track of all shows, not just the ones I go to (so far 84) I'd like the exact date/city/venue of each show please.
Since no one [who didn't already know] has gotten it yet, and since they must nearly be back by now. I'll give an additional clue.

If you travel away from the island in the opposite direction as the peninsula mostly ruled by the house of Saud, you'll get to a country we may soon be at war with.
Is this country currently bombing Iraq? Or does it have a rather crazy and not well-liked ruler with LOTS of letters in his last name? I'm thinking either Turkey or Iran?... *looks at map*... "opposite direction?"
Hong Kong.....still China.

The opposite direction thing depends where in the world you are located surely??

To me If i travel East I would get to Saudi, if I was in LA, I would Travel West over the Pacific Ocean.
It's extremely unlikely that we will soon attack Turkey or China. Also, the island is not in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea or the Pacific Ocean.
We have a winner!

Well, so much for that game. Perhaps I started this thread too soon before we had access to posting pics to do this right....I just didn't want anyone to wonder why none of us girls were posting for a whole week....oh well, no biggie........We'll post pics soon anyway! It was an amazing and heart warming journey. Also a pain in the arse (literally!!) with 36 hour travel days! haha! It's good to be home. Time for another 12 hour nap. :cool:
Well, so much for that game. Perhaps I started this thread too soon before we had access to posting pics to do this right....I just didn't want anyone to wonder why none of us girls were posting for a whole week....oh well, no biggie........We'll post pics soon anyway! It was an amazing and heart warming journey. Also a pain in the arse (literally!!) with 36 hour travel days! haha! It's good to be home. Time for another 12 hour nap. :cool:

Was wondering where the Maidens were ? Pretty quiet on here lately. Bahrain??.. Wow.. !! ..New home of Michael Jackson?
home of MJ yes! and a temporary home for thousands of us and royal navy service men - a big cheers to them. all expressed a deep gratitude for our band visiting them - especially right after the holidays. yeah even tho the travel schedule was nuckin futs it was a total blast \m/ i'll share some pics :) oh, and if anyone's seen my black vertigo guitar hanging around amsterdam tell him to come home soon! :cry: