Yea, I respect the hell out of Axe for giving it is all, and would never disrespect him like that. Definitely very generous of him to lend a role in helping Opeth actually do this whole tour. Its not just a little favor like 1 or 2 shows, but an entire tour and 3 major shows. Without this guy's generosity, there would be no Opeth tour, and I would never get an amazing Chronology set in NYC.
I cant help but be dissapointed though. I love Lopez as a drummer, and I feel bad for him to keep getting sick, but this is more than a minor inconvenience for the band. I would love to see him get better, and I would also like to see him play more than 3 songs live. Opeth probably wont replace him, but with the frequency of his sickness, I wouldnt be surprised if he voluntarily quit, or if the band gave him the cold shoulder and replaced him. It would be a very dick move of them to replace him while he is ill though, friends are supposed to stick together. This is just an unfortunate situation.