Where is Lopez?


Jun 7, 2005
I'm sure others always ask, but I did check the FAQ. I could not find any info on the Lineup for this Chronology Tour. I just want to know if Lopez is going to be playing. Sorry if I'm repeating anyone, but he fucking rules!

Any info would be excellent!:hotjump:
There has still been no official word on his situation. So I would just assume that Axenrot is still going to be filling in.
:yell: Thanks. I actually just found the news that Axe has played so far. Oh fucking well. He's a great sub, and so was Hoglan. I at least got to see Lopez back on the Lamentations Tour.
Not to raise any alarms, but does anyone know if this situation goes beyond a more substitution (i.e. is Lopez still in the band, but just on a break)?
Axe is still there, saw him last night. Actually, he was A LOT better this time around, probably because he actually had time to practice the songs more. The tempos for all songs were normal and he hit all the drum fills and cymbal work he skipped the first time around. It was REALLY shitty of someone to yell, "WHERE'S LOPEZ?!" during the concert. If that person reads this, fuck you. Yes, I want Lopez back too, but don't yell it while the replacement drummer is there doing his best.
PeeWee1473 said:
It was REALLY shitty of someone to yell, "WHERE'S LOPEZ?!" during the concert. If that person reads this, fuck you. Yes, I want Lopez back too, but don't yell it while the replacement drummer is there doing his best.

I like the way you think, PeeWee..

We should give respect where respect is due.... and I would say that respect is definately due in Axe's case.

axenrot played the hell out of those drums when i saw them. they played deliverance actually faster than album tempo, when most people said they were playing it slow cause axenrot "sucked"
Yeah theres no official word, but I read somewhere that this 'blood problem' he allegedly has would keep him out of the picture for this tour... but from what I understand he and mendez are mates so I doubt he'll get replaced any time soon.
Mr Samsara said:
I like the way you think, PeeWee..

We should give respect where respect is due.... and I would say that respect is definately due in Axe's case.


Yea, I respect the hell out of Axe for giving it is all, and would never disrespect him like that. Definitely very generous of him to lend a role in helping Opeth actually do this whole tour. Its not just a little favor like 1 or 2 shows, but an entire tour and 3 major shows. Without this guy's generosity, there would be no Opeth tour, and I would never get an amazing Chronology set in NYC.

I cant help but be dissapointed though. I love Lopez as a drummer, and I feel bad for him to keep getting sick, but this is more than a minor inconvenience for the band. I would love to see him get better, and I would also like to see him play more than 3 songs live. Opeth probably wont replace him, but with the frequency of his sickness, I wouldnt be surprised if he voluntarily quit, or if the band gave him the cold shoulder and replaced him. It would be a very dick move of them to replace him while he is ill though, friends are supposed to stick together. This is just an unfortunate situation.
EternalMetal said:
Yea, I respect the hell out of Axe for giving it is all, and would never disrespect him like that. Definitely very generous of him to lend a role in helping Opeth actually do this whole tour. Its not just a little favor like 1 or 2 shows, but an entire tour and 3 major shows. Without this guy's generosity, there would be no Opeth tour, and I would never get an amazing Chronology set in NYC.

I cant help but be dissapointed though. I love Lopez as a drummer, and I feel bad for him to keep getting sick, but this is more than a minor inconvenience for the band. I would love to see him get better, and I would also like to see him play more than 3 songs live. Opeth probably wont replace him, but with the frequency of his sickness, I wouldnt be surprised if he voluntarily quit, or if the band gave him the cold shoulder and replaced him. It would be a very dick move of them to replace him while he is ill though, friends are supposed to stick together. This is just an unfortunate situation.
+1... well said
Credit must surely be givin to Hogland and Axenrot. Fillin in for the Martin can surely be NO easy task by any means. Lets just hope he gets back to health as soon as possible.
martyrs_price said:
Credit must surely be givin to Hogland and Axenrot. Fillin in for the Martin can surely be NO easy task by any means. Lets just hope he gets back to health as soon as possible.

Didnt Hoglan just have to randomly fill his shoes without practice though? It was iin the middle of SOTU, wasnt it?
Black Paragon said:
Whos Axe? Is that the sub for the last tour? Martin?
have you been living under a rock? lol
martin axenrot (fuck... whats with all these martins?) did the drumming for the lasst bloodbath album, and preety much he subbed for Lopez (in mtl at least) and he did an awesome job, hes a tall "skinny experienced swedish guy" so.. hes great in my books, although Lopez will hopefully get better, cudos to ax for doing such an emosewa job.